As we left the barber shop we entered into the massive crowds watching the parade! Looking back we should have just stopped walking and watched for a little bit! But it’s tough to communicate when you’re in a HUGE mass of people and when my man is on a mission there is no stopping him 😉
Our next stop was Haunted Mansion. I debated doing a FP for it because it was the last day it was open prior to referb. I stuck with our regular Jungle Cruise pick because I knew we’d all want to ride that, I wasn’t sure if we’d all do Haunted Mansion or not.
Kye has ridden Haunted Mansion once, he was around Britt’s age and didn’t love it. We got stuck on the ride so I don’t think that helped haha. We have put off riding it because Britt is so dramatic that we knew she’d freak out haha. BUT on our nightly family walks she talks about how much she LOVES the “ghost house” in our neighborhood (a house that goes all out for Halloween) and has been insisting that she wants to ride Haunted Mansion next time we visit MK. We built it up pretty big and I felt like she’d do okay with it now!
We weren’t sure if we’d have Tess ride or not, but she did SO great all day with everything and she does love spooky stuff so much that we thought she’d be fine. Plus she loved all the “boat” type rides so she’d love that part of it too!
Being silly with G-Mama while we waited and waited and waited!
Everyone loved it! Britt said it wasn’t scary but it also wasn’t that fun. So who knows what she really thought. Of course since we’ve been home she’s talked it up as one of her favs!
Up next…our FP for Jungle Cruise! Zach and I LOVE the corny jokes and sarcasm and it’s fun that at Christmas time it turns into The Jingle Cruise
We usually get ice cream treats near Jungle Cruise but all agreed we’d rather have something more hearty. We headed over to Tomorrowland for pretzels! I’m SO SAD they no longer have the cream cheese filled ones but the cheese sauce helped make the regular pretzel pretty darn tasty!
I always bring a good bit of snacks for the kids!
Britt opted for ice cream instead 🙂
On days where there is a special event at Magic Kingdom (Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party or Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party) party guests are allowed to enter the park at 4 and regular park guests have to leave the park at 7 (when the party officially starts). The three hour overlapping time period gets pretty crazy and I should have planned better for that!
Instead we sat and saw the line for Buzz and saw that it was at 45 min and knew we’d be skipping Buzz that day! Since the big kids were coming back for the party in a couple days we figured they could just wait for it then. We also had already planned for Zach and Kye to do Space at the party as well (it’s Kye’s favorite ride!). So we hit up Laugh Factory b/c a) there is never much of a wait and b) it’s a family favorite and we didn’t want Tess to miss out!
Kye was in a super silly mood and wanted me to text in some jokes 😉
The Magic Carpets is my favorite experience with Kye at Disney…but Laugh Factory is a super close second. Kye takes it SO seriously and the whole show is about laughing to help fill their energy bucket thing. So Kye laughs and laughs and laughs. Super loud and constantly haha. It’s probably annoying to others but it’s adorable to me 😉
When we booked our fast passes I wasn’t able to get one for 7 Dwarfs Mine Train and Kye doesn’t LOVE it anyway (he said it’s his least favorite “big kid ride” at MK) so I didn’t stress it. My plan was for them to either do it at the end of the night on our MK day or the end of the night at our party night. We had some time before we had to leave the park so they went ahead and headed to Mine Train while the girls all went to meet some princesses.
At this point we were straight silly. I was tired. Mrs. Charlotte was tired. Both girls were tired. We were sleepy and silly and looked like a hot mess trying to get to the bathroom haha. The line for Rapunzel and Tiana was short so we hopped in it!
And we just so happened to hop in line right behind sweet friends from school! It was great to visit with them while we waited for our turn 🙂
Britt had brought Pascal as her friend for the day and Rapunzel was SO excited to see him!
I feel like it was Britt’s first time meeting Rapunzel but I may be mistaken! I know it was for sure her first time meeting Tiana (mine as well). Both experiences were awesome and it was great that Tess was into it too.
Tess may or may not have tried to hide behind the curtains…Tiana so has that face of “okay kid come here now and don’t mess with my curtains” haha
Mine Train!
We had time after the character meeting so I asked Britt to pick one thing she wanted to do in Fantasyland and she chose, shocker, Philarmagic. I was really happy to do it again as Tess wore her glasses for more of it this time and I think for a toddler getting to do things twice is valuable. The first time they are trying to figure it all out and the second time they’re better able to enjoy it!
We met back with the boys and headed out!
At the park for 12 hours and still going strong!
It was Kye’s first trip walking. We’ve always brought the double stroller for him and Britt and this trip Tess had to use it so that meant he had to walk…every day…at every park…the entire trip. Really he’s past the weight limit for the stroller anyway so it was time! It was NOT easy on him though. It was a LOT of walking!
The combo of Zach’s back/leg, my foot and Mrs. Charlotte’s arthritis helped Kye out though b/c we all were naturally at a slower pace than normal! He did SUCH a great job keeping up and not complaining!!! He was WORE OUT each day for sure and I plan to get him a step counter to wear for our next visit because I think it’d make the whole walking thing more fun for him 🙂
It was SUCH a full, fun day! I wish Tess had been feeling 100% for her first day at MK but I’m so thankful that we already had another trip planned so we just gotta make sure she’s not sick then 😉 We had a great time, great weather, and pretty decent crowds! Everyday is always magical at Disney! And we still have 4 more park days to go!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025