Monthly Family Recap: July 2020
I’m literally writing this post in MID-OCTOBER. Whew. Life has been CRAZY. But I’m determined to catch back up and continue to share our family memories along the way!
We had such a HUGE July that rather than do any sort of summer post, I’m just sharing the moments we had as a family in July in one place. There are tons of other posts covering the entire month and all of our adventures!
Cam’s birthday party was adorable and a tractor theme. He and Spear LOVE the tractors! Spear was OBSESSED with this party. He loved playing in the corn, he loved all the tractor decor and construction vehicle toys, he loved the hayride, he loved trying to steal the presents 😉
It was a gorgeous morning and a great way to celebrate sweet Cam turning 3!
After the birthday party the kids stayed at G-Mama’s so Zach and I could attend Zach and Maggie’s wedding! Their wedding was originally in March RIGHT when Covid hit so it was a blessing to be able to attend their celebration.
It was GORGEOUS and such a fun night with so many sweet friends. We’ve known Zach since college and have literally been close friends with every single person in their family, we even adore his parents! Zach, his brother Wade, and my Zach all went skiing together back in January and they pigged out on peanut butter m&ms on the trip so they had a nod to it at the reception 😉
Zach’s Covid project has been building a dream treehouse with the kids. It’s something they’ve talked about and planned for now for AGES and when corona happened and Zach found himself not able to work and spending time at home it was the PERFECT time to make it a reality!
Yall. He worked so HARD. THEY worked so hard. The kids all helped. “Uncle Jake” came to help. It was a project of love.
Keyword – WAS.
We had some neighbor drama (if you’ve been around long enough then you’ve heard about “the blue door saga”) and we ended up having to tear the entire treehouse DOWN and start COMPLETELY over with a totally new design in another location.
It was crazy. My kids cried more tears about that treehouse than they did with ALL the disappointments during covid. It was heartbreaking.
But like I told them – it was about the MEMORIES. They have the memories with their dad of building that treehouse together and Treehouse 2.0 will be even more epic 😉
Big Papa grew some watermelons this year and cut Kye a deal where he had to split some of the profits but could have a watermelon sale. Kye asked the girls if they wanted to help with going out to the farm and gathering the watermelons and doing the set up and they said NO so they knew going in that they would NOT be getting any profits 😉
They still wanted to sit out and help him sell them and it was quite the successful sale! He made $100! The girls didn’t mind being paid in lemonade 😉
Summertime means LOTS of outside time! We did lots of morning walks and bike rides and a whollllle lotta swimming. The girls were on a mission every day to check for frogs in the pool that they could save!
We had plenty of inside play too. I love that the girls are enjoying Barbies so much. It cracks me up the things they come up with…Britt said this Barbie needed a sweater to cover up her “inappropriated” dress 😉
We’ve been really trying to make Book Club each month more of an EVENT and keep it really fun with themes and activities and such and this month we did Christmas in July. We all dressed holiday festive, brought a dish to share, and did a gift exchange! It was really fun 🙂
I love raising readers. As a family we’re really focused on growing more in our faith and it makes me so proud to catch the kids reading their Bibles.
Britt and Kye have daily Bible Study time when they first wake up and Britt has her favorite Bible verses highlighted. Tessie isn’t far behind as she has a goal to read her entire Bible (I LOVE this one!)
Spear did his first piece of artwork all on his own! These dot markers are awesome for little ones 🙂
We spent lots of family time together – playing games in the evenings and just enjoying quality time. We had a blast playing the Apples to Apple Disney version!
I love that Tessie is getting old enough where she is writing notes to her siblings. She ended the month with her last night as a 5 year old and this mama ain’t ready!
I had a few campaigns for Instagram this month and they ended up being REALLY awesome ones (with Instagram I’m never obligated to blog about things so you know if I do then it’s b/c we just truly love something). First Kye fell in LOVE with this new toy called Snapships and even asked for them for Christmas! They are really cool for a bit of an older boy!
Another one we did was with Little Debbie for their new Unicorn Snack Cakes. Yall. The brand was supposed to send me a BOX of them. Meaning like ONE BOX. Instead they sent me a BOX FULL OF THEM. As in 16 BOXES. I’m currently writing this in mid-October and we STILL have Unicorn Snackcakes in the fridge (which btw they are THE BEST when cold!).
We’ve worked with Fab Kids a couple of times and I just loved how the sibling pics turned out for this season with their outfits. I love that Spear is getting old enough to really take part in these things with the big kids and have fun with it!
A video should autoplay on this post with all of our family fun moments!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025