Monthly Family Recap: May 2019
The next several monthly recaps will be jammed packed because that’s how our lives our right now! Spring and Summer are always GO GO GO!

Family Update:
Want to shop my looks from this month? Be sure to read this post!
To kick things off for May I took the big three to see the movie Ugly Dolls. I did some work with them on Instagram and yall know how important I think it is to be very, very transparent.
I felt strongly that since I helped to promote the movie that I also needed to go see it when it came out and felt like I also needed to give an honest review of the movie after.
I didn’t get the movie tickets for free. The campaign didn’t include anything about having to see the movie, I just felt like it was something I personally needed to do. And hey, the kids always love a chance for a trip to the movie theater!
It also worked out that Lindsay and her girls were able to go with us which made for a fun afternoon!
My Review:
It wasn’t a bad movie content-wise. Like I felt comfortable with my kids watching it. No bad language or crazy violence or anything.
The movie itself was pretty stupid, I think especially being that I naturally compare to Disney movies 😉
The big push for the movie was the positive body image messaging but then all the super catchy songs had this mega negative messaging. It was weird.
My kids didn’t LOVE it. But they did have fun with their friends!
Our neighborhood does a community yard sale twice a year and they had it this month so we dragged stuff out and didn’t price anything. Just let people makes offers and donated what was left.
It was a GREAT feeling to clean things out and we fully intend to participate in the yard sales as a chance to PURGE!
It was also a great chance for the kids to declutter and earn some money. You can read my post about how I teach my kids to declutter here!
Britt has this DREAM of going to Hawaii and for some crazy reason her Daddy told her that if she saves up $500 he will SEND HER TO HAWAII.
I mean. I don’t think he quite thought that through all the way right?! And duh, her $500 means I get to go too 🙂
She is def on her way with her earnings from the yard sale!
Kye and Britt had their Art Show at school this month and it’s a nice chance to allow them to show off their work and to visit a bit with fellow students in their classes as well as their families
G-Mama always loves to come to everything she can for the kids and they love having her!
Here is Britt with her artwork:
It’s so fun to think about Tessie be there next year…with her little purse and big girl walk she’s def ready 😉
And here is Kye with his artwork:
We love our talented kids!
As I mentioned in Tessie’s graduation post her preschool is closing their doors. The staff hosted a retirement party for the preschool director and it was such a great evening!
Tess loved spending time with her friends from school and it was so great for Kye and Britt to see their former teachers.
I’m SO sad Spear won’t be there but so thankful for the many years we’ve enjoyed the preschool and amazing staff.
Miss Julie taught ALL THREE of my big kids!
Colt and Payton both have birthdays in May so they had a joint party together at the YMCA big pool.
It was our first time there and it was so funny to us that the kids had to pass a “swim test” in order to be able to swim in the deep end or dive off the diving board! Even Zach had to pass it!
Here’s a video of Kye’s diving board
We had our first visit to the new library this month and signed up for the summer reading program.
The kids have to read 20 books or 20 chapters before turning in their forms for a prize! They are excited about it and it’s great to have new books during their daily reading time as part of our summer schedule.
We watched the 6th Harry Potter this month! Two movies left to be done with them all. It was actually probably the least scary one and possibly my favorite so far!
Zach has been working SO HARD on the backyard and it’s all really, really coming together so beautifully. So excited for summer outside!
He is super pumped about having the new outdoor pizza oven he’s built! We had our first pizza night and it was SO GOOD.
Here’s a video of our yard (and a hilarious blooper…)
I love taking walks in the evening and it’s been something I’ve missed doing! We were able to go this month and I let the girls ride their scooters.
Kye doesn’t have a scooter so he rode this random car thing we have.
Y’all. Such a mistake. I ended up having to CARRY Tess’s scooter after she fell and busted it.
While Zach and I were out of town the kids had a BLAST at Big
Kye Update:
Kye has loved being involved in Student Council and Jr Beta Club and had the opportunity to run for Student Government Office for next school year.
He ran for every office and did a great job and will be Treasurer! Right up his ally with how well he manages money 🙂
For Easter the kids got slime kits and Kye has loved making his own slime.
This was my first slime experience so I didn’t know that I needed to make sure he stored it properly and not in his dang bedroom in an Easter egg in a drawer.
It leaked out. And stuck ALL OVER INDOOR the DRAWER. Ugh.
I was zero percent upset with Kye because I didn’t even know to communicate to him that he shouldn’t take it to his room!
We figured it out together and I’m thankful I have a super science and kid activity friend Kim (check out her blog at Team-Cartright!)
She said to use distilled vinegar to help get it out and that, along with man power, helped! It’s not perfect but it’s also the inside of his drawer so I’m not stressing over it.
Kye said he will show it to his kids one day as a lesson 😉
Kye came inside from helping Zach with yard work and had picked a flower for me. Heart. Melted!
We checked out books from the library and signed up for the summer reading program…and Kye read all the required 20 chapters IN THE FIRST NIGHT. Haha!
While Zach and I were in Williamsburg, Kye came up with a “
I love moments like these where the younger boy is still there 🙂
Kye loves to play with Tess because she’s always down to play whatever he wants!
I told them to get outside and find something to do. I went to check on them and they were COVERED in water from their epic water gun fight!
Kye has decided that basketball is his sport so we really wanted to find a good solid basketball camp for him over the summer.
He did a two day camp at a local school and loved it and learned some great fundamentals and felt like he really improved!
The girls LOVED getting to help Spear walk in and out to drop Kye off each morning. It was great walking practice for him on those fundamentals 😉
Kye put together a very extensive fort in the playroom – here’s a video!
I’m so thankful for this super sweet boy of mine!
Britt Update:
Britt was SO EXCITED for her gymnastic exhibition this month. She did A-MAZING.
We were above and beyond impressed with how far she’s come since last year’s exhibition. She has FOR SURE earned that spot in the Advanced class.
She LOVES gymnastics and we love seeing her do something she love!
It was also fun that Lorelai was there too as she’s started doing gymnastics.
It was so sweet of so many family members to
A video of her exhibition should auto-play in this post but if not you can watch it here 🙂
Spear did pretty well with the whole event, especially with it being nap time. Kye struggled a bit with being bored and had to be reminded how much Britt ALWAYS supports him at his athletic events!
Tess had fun hanging with Cooper!
Britt truly shown so brightly and we just all got such joy out of seeing her so passionate!
These are my new favorite pictures of our family 🙂 YAY for a GOOD family pic!
G-Mama got Britt flowers which was SO sweet! Zach and I had driven separately so I ran through Arby’s with her for a celebration milkshake (Arby’s has THE BEST milkshakes, right?!)
Also sidetone but Britt is 7.5 and just a month ago got too tall for the 5 point harness seat and is now using a high back booster.
While Kye was at basketball camp the girls loved having girl time! We did nails, swam, and had a bit of a Frozen themed day where I made them slushies and they wore Elsa dresses and watched the movie.
If you’re looking for fun movie theme ideas be sure to see my post on our 5 favs!
I was VERY, VERY proud of Britt this month. Tess and I went on our solo trip to Disney and Britt
I’d been nervous that Britt would feel left out or even jealous but NONE of that happened. It was quite possibly the proudest I’ve ever been of her thus far!
Britt is also working on doing hair and especially with putting her own hair up in a pony tail. She practiced on me and did a pretty good job of it!
She loves to be in the kitchen and Zach is always so good at being super patient with her and helping to teach her when he cooks (she’s not interested in crock pot cooking my way haha). She helped in making our first family pizza oven night!
She is also in need a new robe (I have it on my list for Christmas). Tess has taken on Britt’s old robe since it’s much too small and Britt is without one.
Years ago Zach bought me a SUPER FANCY, LEGIT CASHMERE robe. And y’all. I don’t even wear robes. And especially not super fancy have to be dry cleaned ones haha.
So I passed it down to Britt and she LIVES in it. It’s adorable and makes my heart so happy to see it getting good use!
I always do a recap of school work but did want to show off a
She also made this design for her summer plans. It’s so cute! She included going to g-mamas to jump on the trampoline, visiting the beach, going to the library, sleeping in until 8 am (such a random goal she always has haha), flying to Hawaii (not happening), visiting Disney World, Kye going to camp, Riding her scooter and reading books.
Tess Update:
I was really excited that Tess got done with school a week before the big kids did as it worked out so well that I was able to take her and Spear to the Friday Frolic at the YMCA.
It’s a free play for a few hours on Friday mornings but it’s ONLY for kids ages 5 or under. So Tess won’t be able to go for much longer and it’s also hard to ever take her because during the summer I also have Kye and Britt who aren’t allowed to play.
We had THE BEST MORNING. Oh my word it was SO MUCH FUN!
Tess LOVED it and Spear had a BLAST!
I’m for sure planning to take him
Tess’s favorite was the foam pit for sure – but she also rocked out on that balance beam!
He loved the hula hoop and the foam pit too! I tossed him over and over and he laughed and laughed.
My sweet youngest babies! They sure love each other 🙂
Tess will be 5 in July and is still rear facing in her car seat. She has never complained about being rear facing. Her seat should allow her to probably stay rear facing for another year, which we plan to do.
It’s safest for children to remain rear-facing for as long as possible. You can read my car seat safety tips beyond age 2 here.
This month Tess had a rash and I had a total #promom moment because I KNEW it was fifths. But since it was right before Zach and I went out of town I wanted to go ahead and take her into the dr.
Sure enough, fifths.
Which is only contagious prior to the rash popping up! So she was fine, she just looked sickly even though she wasn’t.
Big Daddy is basically my favorite human on the earth. He is just precious and means the world to me.
It’s so cute seeing him with Tessie. I said to her “do you know why Big Daddy adores you so much?” And she
Tess is a cuddle girl. She loves snuggling and wearing warm clothes. Even if it’s 85 degrees outside she loves to wear these fleece jacket outside.
She’s inherited Britt’s old bathrobe and is literally LIVING with it. She sleeps with it on and everything!
Tess was my first kid to kick-off summer and she LOVED it! She did great easing into our summer plans and daily routine.
She loves doing crafts and even just sitting beside my desk while I work and doing workbooks.
She is also doing GREAT with her reading and read an entire book completely on her own!
Videos of Tess:
- I love that Tess loves dancing! She even breaks it down in public 😉
- Tess got an “e ward” from school 🙂
- Tess loves a good jam session!
Well if you made it this far you get a gold star because this was a beast of a month! It made me so excited for summer with my sweet babies! BRING IT ON!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025