Our November family recap!

This year was the first football season that the kids were INTO it. Which, of course, made Zach over the moon happy. They all loved watching FSU games together and we even got a good luck Nole Gnome to join us on game days. I love seeing them all enjoying the games together and I will totally pop-in during a close 4th quarter too 😉
We had our family pictures this month and Lindsay from Captured by Colson always does an amazing job. You can see how they all turned out here! SUPER thankful to Auntie Katie for coming out to help too. Literally we COULD not have survived without her – Spear was a busy boy and she was a life-saver!
Zach’s sleep is his #1 MS related struggle (you can read all about his MS here) and we FINALLY made a huge change in order to better help him SLEEP. I’m thankful to my Dad for really giving me the push on getting a new mattress. I think big picture, long term a lot but struggle to think about the NOW and have all these longterm plans for “just in cases” surrounding Zach’s health but we were still sleeping on a dang queen size mattress that we bought in 2008 for super cheap.
We made the investment in the 2nd nicest Tempurpedic mattress and went all in with the purchase going ahead and getting the cooling pad, the bed lift, and even fancy sheets. It’s our first time having a king size bed and our WHOLE family can fit in it!
A very worthwhile investment and it’s helping Zach’s sleep so much 🙂
We kicked off the month celebrating my birthday and Katie came over for our little celebration and I LOVE the thoughtful gift she got for me – a bracelet with all my baby’s birth stones! I love it!
I’m super blessed in the friendship department and have loved getting together with a group of friends to play cards once a month! We play Canasta and it’s an easy-to-learn super fun game 🙂
Britt and Tess had their gymnastics showcases this month and loved having us there to see them and cheer them on. It’s amazing to see the progress they’ve both made! Britt learned she has been invited to an advanced class and I’m THRILLED for her as gymnastics is her passion and I know she will love it.
Proud of our girls and love watching them doing things they love!
Spear’s school had a Thanksgiving feast and it was fun getting to have both Spear and Cam together. They will attend different schools next year and won’t go to the same school again until high school! I always love the cute crafts the teachers do and loved especially reading about what Spear was thankful for. He’s our first kid not to mention his family at all haha kid loves construction vehicles and SLEEP 😉
G-Mama was able to come too and it was such a fun time together!
We have been beyond blessed in the teacher department for Spear. I’m not one to want my kids to have the same teacher back to back years but I wish his teacher could literally be his teacher foreeeeverrrrrr. She has a son around Spear’s age so she “gets it” and she’s SO great with him!
Not a lot of pics of Kye this month. I did crack up at his letter to the tooth fairy trying to scheme for more money 😉
Over a year ago we did a campaign with HearthSong for some photos of the kids using their products and it was so cool to see Kye and Britt in their catalog this month for the upcoming holiday season!
Kye and a couple of his friends asked a teacher if they could have a little bible study with kids between classes and she said yes! So proud of Kye for working to spread God’s Word especially among his peers. He’s letting that light shine!
Britt wore some press on nails for the first time and was all about it. I love this blend of athlete and casual style with girly touches. She rocks the combo so well and I love that she is so uniquely HER. Out of all the kids she’s the one who loves watching football with Daddy the most! Britt also got into Jr Beta Club this month 🙂
Tess was allowed to have Lily sleep with her for the first time and it was so cute bc she read Lily a good night story about visiting the vet and Lily just laid there listening to her! After their night together I asked Tess how it went and she said “I didn’t really get any sleep but it was wonderful!”
Tess still loves animals and critters and is always one to pick up a random bug or worm she finds in the yard. She loves drawing and always writes little notes on the dry erase board in the study room. She also loves to read my blog books and has a style all of her own – including sometimes forgetting to wear shoes to church. oops!
Tess LOVES playing school and teacher and spent her allowance on buying a new school set. I love that she’s into writing her full name on her school work and how she spells her middle name wrong 🙂 Tess was also officially invited into the gifted program this month!
Spear and I continue to love our Sams Jams, Publix and Target mornings together. He is always keeping me laughing and it’s such a happy way to start any day! Spear loves to turn into a monkey when he eats bananas at Publix and was on a kick of being really into the American Flag. He carried it with him for several days and the girls taught him the pledge. He kept waving it at people at Target and saying “look at the flag – I ‘Merica guy!”
Spear’s tracing paper cracked me up bc you can literally watch him lose his attention span by the end of it 😉 We had mine and Brad’s combo birthday at Mrs Charlotte’s house and Cam and Spear played and played and kept laughing at each other about “belly pouches.”
I think one of the sweetest things of motherhood is catching your kids sleeping. I love when Spear is dead asleep – so cute. And I also adore this pic of Zach and Spear together!
Our church lets the little boys lead a song or say a prayer after Wednesday evening services and Spear was so cute “leading” Jesus Loves Me.
Lily had quite the month. On my birthday I woke up and realized her back paw was super swollen. We ended up taking her to the vet and she had been in a fight with another cat. Bless. She is NOT a fighter and is def very skittish and likely to run and hide rather than fight so we felt so bad for her.
We also had her fixed and chipped and everything this month too. This straw kitten sure ain’t cheap but she’s totally worth it 🙂
G-Mama got all the grandkids marshmallow guns and the girls bus route switched up so they are able to get home about 20 min earlier now! We played several family games and Tripoley is def our fav! We also had the Clark boys over for dinner and I just love our church fam and how often we all get together outside of church too 🙂
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025