Monthly Family Recap: October 2019
This post is all about our month of October 🙂

A few things about me this month!
I’m such a SLACKER and haven’t been to book club in a few months now.
In August Zach’s grandfather had passed away the night before, September they did a fun author’s event and I
However, I have been reading all the books…and really enjoyed Bear Town. Def a different book than our norms!
One of my very favorite people on the planet, Rachael, drove through down and left the sweetest card and flowers on my doorstep because I wasn’t home!
I’m so sad I missed getting the chance to give her a hug!
I am really trying to step up my friendship game.
This year has been a HUGE year of a lot of personal growth for me and a lot of times it just exhausting and I’ve been not going and doing as much with friends as I typically do.
I’m so thankful for my tribe and never want anyone to feel like their friendship isn’t valuable to me and I want to do better at pouring into those friendships.
I went out to dinner with friends three weeks in a row and it was hilarious b/c all three times we ate Mexican 😉
Sadly on one of the outings someone hit my car 🙁
Also this month Zach picked up his birthday and Christmas gift…new golf clubs! We are skipping gifts to each other this year and it worked out great for him to treat himself 🙂
Family-wise we didn’t have any big events this month.
Partially because we had
That being said here’s a bit from our month!
We swam later this year than I feel like we ever have! The kids kept swimming even when I was traveling towards the later part of October.
The kids got their flu shots at school this year which I feel like was a GENIUS mom move. Right?
So much less hassle (and drama!) than me taking them!
They did great for them. Tess said she only cried a little prior to getting the shot but that the actual shot didn’t hurt at all.
And Britt and Kye said they didn’t cry at all. Def a mom win!
Mrs. Charlotte had foot surgery in September and was about halfway through her healing in October.
We had Zach’s parents over for dinner for some of his amazing homemade pizza and to spend some time with the kids!
Now that Tess is fully adjusted to school we are able to get back into our nightly game time routine!
I love our bedtime routine and enjoy playing games as a family together.
When I was out of town Zach said that Tess randomly started crying and got very upset because she “can’t decide if she WANTS to do gymnastics”
When Tess gets upset about abstract things like that it’s super hard to calm her down and Zach had a total pro dad moment.
He told her that she should do gymnastics at home with Britt. They have LOVED doing gymnastics together and Britt is the instructor and says Tess is already ready for the advanced class 😉
Tess is still napping on the weekends and it’s been nice for Kye and Britt to have bonding moments together. This month Zach took the two oldest to a VSU football game and I was proud to hear that Britt did really well during it (and had fun!)
About Kye this month:
Our church kicked off the Bible Reading Marathon and Kye is one of the team captains.
He takes his role very seriously and does such a great job addressing the congregation (a video should auto play in this post!).
He also is enjoying 5th grade a lot so far and his making some great friends as well as fun memories!
Kye made us very proud this month. Mr Rusty called me and told me that at an event we all attended that as we were leaving Kye approached a man that we met for the first time that evening, took off his hat, shook the mans hand, and said “it was nice to meet you.”
Completely on his own! And it was even better that Zach and I didn’t even SEE it happen. So proud!
I adore these sorts of things 🙂
About Britt This Month:
This month Britt had a field trip to The Georgia Agriculture Museum and I was able to attend with her!
She had this same field trip last year and another kid got sick the same day so I wasn’t able to go and I was super thankful I could be there with her this time.
It is neat to me that we live in a rural community. I grew up in a suburb and I don’t remember ever learning about agriculture? But they have “AG” as an exploratory this year at school even!
It is always a treat to observe my kids in their school environments.
Britt is a model student which makes me proud. She was always chosen to be one of the helpers or participants during activities.
She also has many friends and was so cute with them all during the day!
Britt loved being home from school early to be able to meet the other kids off the bus!
When I got home from traveling Britt got off the bus with these spots on her face. After bathing they were MUCH worse and were on her torso some and back too.
She never had a fever or any discomfort or any other reason to keep her at home so I did Benadryl and it helped!
I don’t know if it was related or not but the next week she complained that her mouth hurt and she had large blisters on her gums in three places.
Again, no other symptoms.
Weirdly my tongue was very raw at the tip and Zach’s was raw feeling towards the back and our teeth hurt.
We must have had some weird virus of some kind…so odd!
I love that Britt’s teacher shares constantly on the Dojo App and I’m able to see all the fun things Britt does throughout the day.
She is LOVING 2nd grade!
She also wrote this about the weather which cracked me up b/c at the time the lowest our temp had gotten was like 70!
I am so proud of Britt and love having her as my daughter. She wrote the SWEETEST things bout our family (you can see in the video that auto plays in this post) She is my sunshine!
About Tess from This Month:
Tess was ALL ABOUT Halloween this year. Which is adorable and very “Tess.”
When she was little she was all about The Haunted Mansion (aka The Spooky Ride) and I have fond memories of taking her to Target and her falling in love with a skeleton (Spooky Guy) and begging for us to bring him home.
I love seeing her so into something!
I’ve had a witch hat for a few years now that I use for decorating and Tess was instantly obsessed with it and I helped her hunt her closet for a “witch dress” to wear.
Tessie also has loved the Halloween books I’ve had out all season and loves to sit and read them!
Tess has this random “bad habit” right now that we’re working on…where she flips the bird in photos.
She said she saw a boy doing it at school and that everyone laughed when he did it.
When she does it I don’t even notice she’s doing it until I go back and look through the pictures later!
And she’s so innocent with her little smile about it and has no clue what it means.
I explained that it’s not a nice thing to do etc and am def working on it with her.
I mean it’s also hilarious. But still, she knows better now!
Tess loves playing outside and is still so great at playing so well on her own.
She is so happy and content to just do her own thing!
I was laying out and she was riding on her scooter and kept coming over to me and asking me to draw a picture of her on her scooter.
So cute!
I love this sweet girl and am so glad she’s mine!
She really poured into my heart this month by taking the time to write little notes to everyone in our family and taping them on their doors – she’s so thoughtful and kind!
It is really interesting to see the dynamic of my kids as they get older.
Even though we have an even number of kids…Spear just isn’t in the mix yet. Another year or so and he’ll be part of the dynamic with the older kids but right now it’s really like it’s just the three of them and Spear is solo since they mostly spend their play time just playing the three older kids.
It is true that an odd number just doesn’t work as well.
They all get along GREAT when it’s just two. Kye and Britt. Britt and Tess. Kye and Tess.
But put all three together? It doesn’t go as well.
And they recognize that too and have developed their own plans for getting along where they will trade off having time together in pairs and the third one will have solo play time.
I’m so proud that they see what needs to happen to allow them to best enjoy each other and love seeing those moments where they truly bond together!
I’m a proud mama and so blessed to call all my babies mine!
A video of our recap should auto play in this post 🙂
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
You’ve got a lovely family, Emily! Your blog about the october month gives us such major family goals. Love how you dedicate so much time to your family, capturing each and every moment. So happy to see such a wonderful family making most of the time they spend together :). And so sorry to hear about Zach’s grandfather.