June was a BUSY month for us with lots, and lots, and LOTS of traveling so there weren’t many moments to capture that I didn’t already include in some type of post from that month!
Here’s some fun events that I never posted on:
Big Papa’s Birthday: For Mr. Rusty’s birthday we all had a cook-out at The Parker’s and the kids had a BLAST together. The birthday hats made it extra fun and they all took turns telling Big Papa “Happy Birthday!”
Shed: At our old house (now Gramma’s house) Zach built himself a storage shed, this time around he’s building more of a storage house. This thing is HUGE and he’s building it so well that we could honestly finish it one day and make it into a pool guest house or something if we needed the space! He works on it ALL. THE. TIME. It’s put a dent in our social life because on nights he’s home early enough he’s out back going to work and will work on it until dark (typically from 5-9:30). I LOVE what a handy-man and hard worker my husband is and am excited (and also beyond ready…) to see the finished product. It’ll be GREAT to have our garage cleaned out and be able to park both cars in there! I can’t stand chaos and right now that’s the state of our garage. Hopefully by September he’ll have the whole outside completed!
While I’m proud of Zach for his hard work, it’s also tough on Kye and I. Kye misses his Daddy all day and to have him come home and be in the backyard (where Kye can see him) but unable to play is tough. Plus it means I’m often handling Kye completely on my own all day until he goes to bed at night. Like I said, I’m ready for it to be finished 😉 Kye often BEGS at the back door to see Daddy so we take lots of time to visit with him and see his progress…and borrow his hat 😉
Cars 2: Ever since we saw the first ad for Cars 2 we have been excited. Not that Kye even had a clue, but Zach and I knew how much Kye has LOVED the first one so we were looking forward to taking him to see the newest one. The week after it opened we made plans with Courtney, Colt and Payton to hit up the movie theater!
had to wear his Lighting McQueen shirt
The movie was a HUGE disappointment. Like mega. It was very, very violent and had a storyline that included a plot to kill Lighting McQueen. Um my kid is 2. He does not know what “kill” means and doesn’t need to know that yet. But imagine how scary it was for him (and Colt too) to see one of their favorite characters be shot at and chased down. It was a VERY inappropriate movie and made me sad. I assumed we’d be buying up every Cars 2 toy on the market and instead we will not only never see the movie again, we will also not be adding it to our dvd collection when it comes out. Hope Pixar does a better job on their next movie!!! It was the WORST Pixar movie yet!
the kids still had a blast together though
dominating the arcade games
so glad Zach was able to meet us there (and even he agreed that it was a badddd kids movie!)
Here are other things Kye was up to during the month of June:
Goin’ to the beach: When we travel now I let Kye get a gallon sized ziploc bag and pick out what cars he wants to bring along with us. He greatly enjoys this responsibility and it’s funny how quickly he realized that the smaller the cars, the more he could fit in the bag. Even now he’ll ask to “go to the beach” b/c he wants to load up all his cars. Here’s a video of his selection process.
Hair Cut: Last summer Zach really wanted to leave Kye’s hair long. We did..for awhile…and I can’t stand the way it looked. It was just too thin to wear shaggy but this year it’s gotten thicker and I caved in about cutting it. We let it grow and then had our hair lady (Penny) shape it up. Kye and Daddy went together to both get hair cuts and I have to admit…Zach was right…our kid can rock the Justin Bieber style!!!
Reading: Reading on his own has become a favorite hobby of Kye’s. If I don’t hear him for awhile I’ll go to see what he’s doing and typically he’s got a book in his lap. I have found him in some interesting places too though…like in our tub wearing my swimming goggles 😉
this makes me laugh..and WILL embarrass him someday
While I adore his love of reading, I most appreciate his love of The Bible. God’s Word is THE most important book for him to know and when I found him in his room with his Bible in his lap it was a “proud mommy” moment for sure. He’ll talk about his Bible and will say “I’m readin’ about Jesus.” Too sweet!
After Nap: My favorite time of the day is right when Kye wakes up from his nap. I’ve always been told that boys are sweet and I realize now that it’s soooo true. He will snuggle up to me and want to stay in his bed FOREVER. Often he will wake up at 3:30 and we won’t leave his room until 5. His favorite thing to do is get puzzles on his bed and work on those together right when he wakes up. I realized he is a slow waker and really needs that relax time to be in a good mood, it is precious in the afternoons…but makes for rough mornings especially when we have to get up and get going somewhere!
one of his favorite puzzles right now is his letter puzzle
More on Kye’s month:
- He wears a size 18-24 months from Old Navy and Gap and a size 24 months from The Children’s Place
- He wears a size 6 or 6 1/2 shoe. His little feet are still too fat for flip flops so we rock a LOT of Crocs
- Now that Kye is getting older…the football influence is starting to happen and I can’t really stop it…Zach is all about teaching him to throw, catch, and tackle. In this video you can see him throw the football and say “hut” and tackle Daddy then say “get you some” I can just picture preschool and him tackling some kid on the playground!!!
- He can now say “sir” and not just “ma’am”
- Kye enjoys counting but will often skip 9 when he counts to ten. His favorite number is probably four and 96. I have NO idea why but he says “96” all the time?!? 🙂 Here’s a video of him doing some counting.
- He says “please” on his own often and will say “thank you very much” as well
- When we ask Kye his age he ALWAYS says “I four” as you can see in this video. (it also shows him saying “96”)
- He knows to say “bless you” when someone sneezes
- Kye’s favorite animal sound is still a loud ROAR and I captured some videos of him enjoying this not-so-beautiful sound…this video is him showing me how his gorilla roars, of course once he realized I was filming he wanted to watch it so we took several other videos so he could watch ’em. This video is him roaring and wanting to watch, as it this video, and this video shows him saying sorry to the gorilla.
- For Bible Class he is doing MUCH better (the past several months he’s been crying very hard when we drop him off and would beg not to go). We found that talking about class and all the fun things he’d get to do there in the car on our way helps prepare him and help him take that transition better
- Before meals he’ll pray for Mommy, Daddy, Baby and food
- Before bed he’ll s often say “help us” in his prayer and will say “thanks for Jesus”
- He is very aware about Daddy going to work and will talk about it often. He’ll say “Daddy’s at work” and he will put a pen or pencil in his shirt and say “I’m going to work like Daddy” and he’ll also carry his briefcase around and work on his computer and phones and say he’s working like Daddy
- Kye can spell his name and will do so on his own. While coloring he’ll often say “K-Y-E” as he scribbles. Here’s a video of Kye at “work”
- Other cute things he’ll say include: “I cute,” “Look at me,” and “I love my friends” (he will NOT say he loves anyone else..so stubborn!)
- His current favorite movie to watch during video time is Ratatouille
and when the rat falls into the water he’ll yell out “do your starfish!” 😉
- Zach has also brainwashed our child and trained him to say “Daddy’s the man.” It’s Zach’s favorite trick and it’s a crowd pleaser…Kye and Daddy will often go back and forth saying “Daddy’s the man” then Kye saying “no Kye’s the man” over and over. Kye has even said “I can’t get spanking b/c Kye’s the man” Oh boy…here’s a video!
- Kye is ALL boy. You’ll typically enter our house to find a wild man running around and screaming…interested to see how Blitzen adjusts to our loud house!
- He’s now very fully potty trained. He will tell me when he needs to go potty and will hold it in until we get to the potty. He has had zero accidents during naps or night and we even removed the sleep protector pads from on top of his sheets. He will hold down his private on his own while going to the potty and is still sitting on the small potty at home to go to the bathroom. I’m not in a hurry to have him stand as he isn’t tall enough to reach the toilet! I will still ask him if he needs to go potty but he typically will say “no” and is only going 3 times before nap then about 3 times before bed. He also doesn’t need to RUSH to the potty when he wakes up from naps or in the morning anymore and will often take quite awhile before he even goes!
I love watching Kye grow and change and especially love hearing all the cute things he’s saying now, it’s that ADORABLE age I’ve always been wanting! I used to say I wished I could birth a toddler and, while I’ve loved EVERY age, now that time is here and I’m savoring every second 🙂
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
- What I’m Gifting My Family: 2024 - November 21, 2024
I agree with you – I love this age, too! Especially all of the mega cute things that they say! I can't WAIT for LL to be as good as Kye is with the potty. We're on our way!