I LOVE that we have always taken Mother’s Day and Father’s Day very seriously in our family! Both really are such important days to be celebrated! Zach and I are so honored to be parents and both work hard to be the best parents we can for our children, and it’s nice to set aside time as a family to honor our roles 🙂
This year Mother’s Day ended up being spread out over three days for me! We decided to wait to celebrate our Mother’s Day until the Saturday after the actual day. I had my baby shower the day prior to Mother’s Day and Colt and Payton also had their birthday party so it worked out just to wait! On actual Mother’s Day Zach still surprised me with a cookie cake! So sweet (and delicious!) and we enjoyed going to church then we had everyone over to our house to swim and celebrate Mrs. Charlotte 🙂 I like that we let the actual day of Mother’s Day be about Zach’s mom and wait to do mine a different day rather than combing them together! It worked out GREAT and everyone had a wonderful time!
I’m so blessed to be their (all three!) mother!!!
I’d seen this on Pinterest and had to copy the idea 🙂 Can’t wait for our cousins to meet!!!
It was SO FUN being pregnant together (and so lonely now that I’m pregnant solo!)
Kye came home from school with some special Mother’s Day treats for me. He had a card with all these different flowers on it and I had to figure out which one was about me. I, legit, had a hard time because the one that was about me said something about TV on it and we never refer to it as TV?!?! Once I opened it and saw the legit answer he had said “movies” which would have given it away more for me than the TV one did 🙂 Kye said I’m the best mom because: I get good toys for them, I let him play outside, I love him so much, I let him watch movies after nap, I give him snacks, and I make good stuff for dinner and lunch 🙂
I love me some handprint gifts! So cute!
We celebrated my full special day the following weekend and it got kicked off with a great start: PANCAKES 🙂 My husband knows I loveeeee his pancakes…but especially while pregnant 🙂
He even knows my love for some strawberry milk 🙂
Zach and the kids had the entire day planned for us and it started off with quite a surprise! We were going to Wild Adventures! I thought it was such a good idea…we had yet to go to the water park and it was a beautiful morning for it! On the way we even stopped and picked up Subway to eat a picnic lunch 🙂
Y’all know I can’t write about Wild Adventures without voicing some complaints haha. It makes ZERO sense to me why the splash park a) doesn’t have it’s own entrance closer to the parking lot and b) opens so late!!! We got there when the park opened at 10 and rode a couple rides before heading over to the Splash Park area. Since we have gold passes we were allowed in the splash park 30 min earlier than the official opening time (still though…the 30 min early meant we got in at 10:30. Which in South GA it’s already 100 degrees by like 8 am!).
Zach let the kids pick which ride haha
Waiting for it to open for us!!!
Once we were allowed in we found out that the 30 min earlier thing only let us do ONE slide ride and the small kid splash area. We didn’t mind, but it would have been good to know that going in. Zach took the kids to ride the slide (which Britt was not a fan of) and then they enjoyed the little kid play area until the larger one was open.
Kye loves the buckets of water that pour down!
But Britt takes after her mama and prefers not to get too wet 😉
Checkin’ out the big kid play area
Drying off for lunch…haha think it was sunny?!?!
Kye loved to go all over in the big kid area so Zach stood and watched him and I sat in the little kid area and Britt enjoyed just walking through the water back and forth to each of us. She was so adorable and it was really cute watching her! The water was actually FREEZING (which was a surprise!) so I understand why she didn’t want to get too wet. Child has ZERO body fat and literally turns purple!
It was only our second time ever visiting the Splash Park…and last time we went Kye was Britt’s age! And that day we visited Kye started off feeling great that morning but by the time we left he was miserable and even had a fever. Remember? How CRAZY is it that it’s 3 years later and we went back to the Water Park and almost the same thing happened?!?! Kye was FINE the day prior and that morning but while at the park I did notice some goop in his eye. He’s gotten colds in his eyes before so I was a little concerned about it but thought it could have also just been goop. I mean goop happens! He actually ASKED to leave the park and head home and he just seemed like he wasn’t feeling well. His eye was a little more goopy and red so while he napped I googled up some home remedies for it. When he woke up it was puffy and worse and he was SUPER uncomfortable. Of course by then all the walk-in places were closed since it was a Saturday. We decided to skip out on the rest of our plans for that day and instead had a chill evening helping Kye feel as comfortable as possible.
Poor kid 🙁
The next morning Zach took Britt to church and I took Kye to the hospital youth care. Tell me they weren’t super cute?!?!
I took Kye through McDonald’s on the way and got him a plain biscuit and apples (his request for both of them…so random) and we sat outside Youth Care for about 45 min prior to them opening so we could be the first ones in line. Of course you wait and wait and then some random family comes in at the last minute and cuts in front of you…ugh. Some people! We had used a warm washcloth all night on his eye and it was looking better but he was still very miserable and I had even called a nurse hotline (good to know our pediatrician now offers that service for after hours!). The nurse, and google, confirmed that only antibiotics would help him. I know if it had been a weekday I could have just called to the doctor and they would have given me something over the phone without having to go in, but it was the weekend. Boo. We have seriously been SO BLESSED that in the 5 years we’ve been parents we have NEVER had to deal with anything over a weekend!
Our youth care experience went very well. We were in and out in about 30 min total. I was VERY impressed…until I got my bill. Um I paid my $35 copay when we checked in and figured that’d be it. I mean it’s just a dr visit on a weekend, right? Wrong. Got another bill for $85 a couple weeks later. $120 just to be able to get a prescription for pink eye?!?! Totally should have waited for Monday morning!!!! Lesson learned…we will be avoiding youth care at ALL costs from now on!!!
Note writing while we waited 🙂
He soaked in a long bath and felt a TON better when we got home! The drops were pretty much a nightmare and had to be given three times a day for seven days, two drops in each eye. I ended up finding on Pinterest a better way to put them in. I had Kye lay down on his back and SHUT his eyes mega tight then put the drops in the inner corners of his eyes. When he opened them the drops fell right in! Super easy!!! When Zach and Britt got home from church she had goop in one eye too so I was thankful we had the drops and that they said we could use them on her if needed. So they both got the drops for the seven days. Britt’s never got bad at all and I’m sure it’s because we caught it early!!!
That afternoon everyone was feeling better so we decided to finish out my Mother’s Day celebration with dinner at Aligatu 🙂
We took gifts along to open…Kye is SO sweet with gift giving and truly enjoys watching others open!
It was THE most thoughtful Mother’s Day! Zach took the kids to our favorite jeweler (Steel’s if you’re local! They are the best!) and let them each choose a gift for me. And I loved them both! Kye got me a beautiful necklace and matching earrings that have this unique green design on them!
And Britt’s set was a necklace and bracelet with gold and white stones. I wear both sets all the time and truly love them! The kids have good taste!!!
On top of the beautiful jewelry they all three also went to the mall and did a photo booth picture for me where they are signing “I love you” in the photos!
We have gone to Aligatu pretty much every Mother’s Day b/c it’s one of my favorite places to eat! This year was THE BEST yet because both kids truly enjoyed the show, enjoyed the chop sticks, and even enjoyed the food! I was impressed with their skills of eating with the chop sticks! And I loved watching them while our chef cooked…they had a blast!!!!
We had a GREAT time and it was a wonderful ending to a fabulous Mother’s Day!
All my goodies (minus the cookie cake b/c you KNOW that junk was GONE!)
No, Zach didn’t think to print these off on his own…I totally printed them and asked him to have the kids fill them out 😉 And I love their answers…so sweet!
I’m so thankful for my sweet babies and wonderful husband who all made me feel so special this Mother’s Day! It was the best yet!!!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025