I have often said that other than the Bible that Babywise has been the most influential book I’ve ever read. If I had a top three I’d probably say 1) Bible 2) Babywise 3) Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover. I recommend those books to people constantly. Many new mamas own a copy of Babywise that I probably mailed to them. I feel passionately about all of these books. I know most people know about the Bible but most have not heard of Babywise or Dave Ramsey and both have made such HUGE impacts on my life that I try to share them with everyone I know.
When I mail someone a copy of Babywise I’m not doing it so they will read it and say “wow, that Emily she sure does do everything right.” I’m not doing it so they will be the exact same parent as I am or do things the exact same way I do. I send it to people because I truly love the book and it truly has changed my world (seriously!) and I want to bless others with the knowledge and perspective I gained from reading it. It’s an act of love that I send it out as a gift to new mamas when I can. I know many won’t read it and many more will read it and choose not to follow it but some people have read it and loved it just as much as I have and I’m so thankful that I had it on my heart to mail them a copy!
Guess what? I’m switching up my order of life-changing books. I have a new #2. That’s right, it even comes before my beloved Babywise.
Muscle and a Shovel is a book I hadn’t heard much about. I had heard it was a true story about a guy’s personal journey and that’s it. I had a copy for awhile (thanks Casey!) but didn’t have a chance to read it. Prior to one of my foot appointments I finally started it and I completely finished it that same day. I, legit, could not put it down. It rocked my world! It made me feel a range of emotions: anger at times, laugher at others and by the end of it I had true tears falling down my face.
Like the back cover of the book says: You will either give it to everyone you know or you will put it into a shredder. It’s THAT kind of book and obviously, since I purchased 75 copies, I took the “give it to everyone I know” route.
Much like Babywise and Dave Ramsey I feel very passionately that this book can help others. I purchased the copies that I did so I can share it with as many people as possible. And when those run out, I’ll gladly be purchasing more. I’ve always felt like my blog is for myself first, my children second, and to help others third. I love that this blog has introduced me to so many people and it truly makes my heart fill with joy anytime I’m given the opportunity to help out with Babywise questions, Dave Ramsey tips, etc etc.
If you are curious and want to have a copy then I WANT to mail you one! Completely free! Here is all you have to do:
1) Email me at deliasgoddess33@aol.com
2) As the subject type “muscle and a shovel” so I will know it’s a book request
3) In the email body put your name and address
4) I will ship the book to you 100% FREE OF CHARGE. No shipping costs. No handling costs. Nothing. And I don’t need to know you in real life (although if you’re local and I can deliver in person I totally will…and if I DO know you in real life you’ll probably be getting a copy if you email me or not haha)
5) With the craziness of the holidays it may take me a bit to get them all shipped but I promise one will be delivered to your door!!!
ALL I ask in return is for you to READ IT. It’s not a quick read, although for me it was because I got so into it so quickly! It may upset you and make you think in a new and different way but KEEP READING! Don’t give up on it and have an open heart when reading it. I pray that this story becomes one you also want to share as passionately as I do. And when you read it please keep in mind that, much like with Babywise, I am giving you this gift as an act of love. No other agenda than that 🙂 If you read this blog then I care about you and am honored to be able to pass a book along to you that now means so much to me!
Thank you all for the joy you bring in my life. Even if you haven’t ever left a comment, I appreciate you reading along with my little life and for supporting me and caring about my family through all of our ups and downs. I’m truly so blessed to be part of such an amazing community and I’m thankful to be able to give back to those who do so much for me on a daily basis!
Get those emails rollin’!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
Hey Emily!! You wouldn't be able to ship to Canada, would you? 😉
You truly have a giving heart, Emily!
This is an excellent book! We have given several copies as gifts as well, and I'm so glad to see you doing this!
You are so right, this book will change your life! This world is a better place because of giving and caring people like you, Emily!