Not gonna lie. I was pretty bummed about turning 34. 33 is my lucky number so I was SO PUMPED to be 33 because it was my “lucky year” and I def lived it UP. SO many trips, so many great memories, completing our family, and even getting a house at Disney. I mean dang that’s a tough year to beat!
I also didn’t really have a whole lot planned for my birthday. You know #adultlife. It’s just doing the normal thing getting kids to school and getting stuff done!
I did go through Starbucks and get my free coffee which was fun!
Back in 2012 I bought a Mac mini and have been using it as my computer since then. It was literally DYING. So I needed to upgrade. I kept putting off pulling the trigger but finally did it and invested in an iMac. I talked to Apple a ton about it and several people I spoke to said it’s “future proof” where basically I don’t have to worry about replacement for at least another 6-8 years. SIGN ME UP.
I did take the day off from “working” aka the blog and just chilled and watched This Is Us. It is NOT comfortable for me to do NOTHING. Like it’s just not in me and takes effort to just SIT like that!
My MIL stopped by and brought me a little gift that included fuzzy socks. I am a sucker for fuzzy socks. I wear them ALL winter and take them on trips and on the airplane when traveling etc!
As a gift to me I asked if we could get pictures in the cotton. I just love cotton pics and every few years we have SUCH pretty cotton near our house! I love any excuse for cute pics of my babies!
We also went to Hobby Lobby to go ahead and let the kids choose their ornaments and to look at an artificial tree for our house. Our beloved tree farm is closed. We are SO SAD about it and have such great memories cutting down our Christmas tree as a family. With the news of their closure we decided to just get a fake tree. I felt like getting a tree at Lowe’s would be more sad than just getting a fake one!
The ornament choosing is always so fun and it’s so good to go EARLY to Hobby Lobby b/c they get super picked over!
In everyone I talked to and in everything I read said when it comes to artificial trees that going cheap is NOT SMART and that it’s one of those things that spending more results in a better product. So we were prepared to drop some dough. Hobby Lobby had their trees half off and Zach did a little comparison with Lowe’s and their selection and we decided to roll with the Hobby Lobby one! This is the exact tree we got so in future posts if you like our tree…here it is!
These glasses they have are SO COOL to look at the tree lights and see different patterns and such in the lights!
I struggled with where to go for my birthday meal and ended up choosing Mexican (shocker). It was SO GOOD. I haven’t had it in AGES and I chowed down!!!
I still could only eat like half of this BEAST!
Steak Burrito! Kid loves to grub!
I love that the kids are finally loving Mexican!
All the kids made me such sweet cards and they all picked out some super cute stackable bracelets for me. I love how thoughtful they are in their giving!
My dad and Audrey sent me this beautiful Ariel necklace!
Their card also meant so much to me!
Rather than get cake I just wanted donuts with ice cream. SO. GOOD.
It took me SIX HOURS to get my computer all set up but finally had it rolling!!!
Zach and I had a day date for my bday and hit up our local jewelry store (Steel’s) for their wishlist event and ordered my push present from when Britt was born because mine got stolen and I’ve been SO SAD about it. I’m so excited to have my ring back! We also did some shopping and went out to dinner.
Pretty basic birthday but hey every year can’t be your lucky year right? 😉 I’m so thankful for my sweet babies and our complete family and know that this year will be a continued year of self growth and I have SO many personal goals to achieve before hitting 35! I mean when is middle age?!?! I feel like 35ish right?!?! Time to get my junk in gear 😉
Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday on my special day!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025