Today I’m linking up with Momfessionals for Show and Tell Tuesday to share my personal favorite Pinterest Pins! I know Pinterest gets a lot of crap, but I love it. I think it’s an AMAZING tool for so many reasons. Need an easy Halloween costume? Pinterest. A yummy recipe? Pinterest. Party theme ideas? Pinterest. I don’t scroll through Pinterest very often, I’m more of a “search for what I need, pin it and move on” type pinner. You can follow me on Pinterest here!
Something I rarely explore is what impression my blog is making via Pinterest. I thought this would be a fun opportunity to see my 10 most popularly pinned posts, with links to the original blog posts:
By far my MOST pinned pin from the blog is the ball pit and the lego table from our playroom! I get emails constantly asking for instructions on how Zach built them, I’m so thankful to have such a handy, creative husband 🙂
I really enjoy planning birthday parties for our kids and it’s neat to see that so many of the party posts get pinned frequently. My two most pinned parties are:
fire truck party (which was also featured on Better Homes and Gardens!)
I mean it’s slightly embarrassing that my before and after pics from my first 24 Day Challenge with Advocare are pinned so frequently. In fact my Advocare post about losing weight while nursing is one of my top viewed blog posts of all time!
I have gotten my fair share of “haters” on my conception tips and tricks post…I know a lot of the hits on that post have come from Pinterest! Y’all, it’s the perspective of someone who does NOT have difficulties conceiving…it wasn’t meant to be from a medical professional standpoint or to offer advice to people struggling to conceive…
My conception tips and tricks post
I’ve had multiple friends contact me regarding the next two popular pins…it’s so neat to see my babies pop up on Pinterest and especially to have friends see them in their feeds! What’s even funnier is that I got the inspiration for both of these pictures from other pics I saw on Pinterest 🙂
Pics from Tess in the hospital
and Kye’s first day of school t-shirt tradition
I’m SO thankful for how much Babywise has helped me as a mama and am thankful for the opportunity to use what I’ve learned to help others. It made my heart happy to see that some of my Babywise posts are pinned so frequently!
Babywise Schedule Birth – 6 Months
This one surprised me the most! I’ve been blogging since Aug of 2008 which is a pretty long time and I forget half the stuff I’ve blogged about. I don’t EVER think about the post I did on creating busy bags! We still have the bags in our pantry and pull them out often and it’s neat to see that other people have pinned the post and used the tips!
We’ve enjoyed making fun, creative announcements for all of our babies but I have to say getting to announce our pregnancy with Tess on Christmas day was pretty special!
It’s been so fun writing this post and seeing what has been pinned from my blog! It has really inspired me to pin more of my posts as it’s a great way to help people find posts that fit what they are searching for! If you’d like to see more of my Pins you can follow my board here! Thanks again to Momfessionals for the super fun link-up!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025