My Favorites – January and February 2020
Yay for a new year!
I’m going to continue doing my favorite things posts and like the style of having them every other month.
I’ve been working on figuring out a good system for monthly giveaways on my Instagram and I’m thinking these posts may be a great giveaway opportunity 😉
If you’re not already following me on Instagram be sure to do so here!

What I Read
BIG news in the world of Emily’s reading…I bought a Kindle Paperwhite!
Zach and I bought one for Kye for Christmas and it’s awesome so we each bought one as our V-Day gift to each other 🙂
Totally worth it!
For Book Club in January we read My Sister the Serial Killer.
It’s VERY unique and a fun, quick read! It did remind me of a book we’ve previously read for Book Club so I didn’t enjoy it as much as I would have if we hadn’t read the other one though!
For February we wanted to do a little more romance for V-Day and all and we read American Royals.
I liked the concept (what if America had a monarchy?) but it was very “Gossip Girl” vibe to me where everyone was somehow intertwined romantically with everyone.
I DID like the ending as it wasn’t what I was expecting but it also left a cliffhanger for a sequel which I probably won’t read.
What I Wore
Our weather can never make up it’s mind so I had days over Christmas break where I was literally laying out in the backyard and then days where it was FREEZING.
At this stage of life, with a TODDLER especially, I’m really finding my groove with more comfortable clothing items.
I like to always look put together (I’ve just always been that way – in my mind it takes no extra effort to put on a cute outfit as it would to toss on a t-shirt…I’ve just never been a t-shirt girl!) but I also like to be comfortable and feel confident!
In the summer I love a kimono and in the winter months, I love a good cardigan!
I love a layered look!
I LIVE in cardigans, dusters and sweaters!
Sweater (I’ve had this for YEARS now and it’s held up GREAT!)
Shoes (my new FAVS!)
Shoes (FINALLY a comfortable dressier shoe!)
Shoes (run small, size up!)
Cardigan (MUCH warmer than you’d expect!)
Shoes – Loving These too!
Shirt – runs small, size up
Boots (worth the hype!)
Leggings and Long Tops
Another stable in my mom-wardrobe? GREAT leggings and long tops to cover the booty!
Boots – I’ve owned these for 6 YEARS!
Shirt – on sale!
My Dress (on sale!)
Disney Cruise
We are gearing up for our CRUISE in April!
I’ve started packing and am excited about coordinating outfits with the girls 🙂
A friend on IG (Shout out Society of Sumner!) bought these matching kids pjs for herself and her daughter and I was so pumped that the largest kids size fit me! (I’m wearing a XXL)
I’m always on the hunt for a good hat that actually fits my big ‘ol head and this one is great!
I also bought the girls matching dresses to this dress for the cruise too 🙂
Here’s the link to the matching girl dresses!
You Can Shop Everything I Wore Here:
Girl’s Clothes
Speaking of girl’s clothes I had the chance to work with Sparkle in Pink and their mommy and me outfits are ADORABLE!
You can get 10% off your order from Sparkle in Pink with code EMILY10 – shop here 🙂
The girls also loved rocking their doll and me outfits for V-day 🙂
What I Ordered
I love finds that I know work well for others and do my best to share them with yall as I find ’em too!
My kids have had the same sound machines for ages but they have started to have some issues so I decided to slowly start replacing them.
I ordered this sound machine for Kye and it’s been AWESOME.
MUCH better quality than the other ones we’ve had and it works great!
I have been battling sinus congestion and allergy crud and have seen a HUGE improvement once I started using this humidifier!
I like that it’s light and easy to clean out and it holds enough water to last two nights for me!
If you’ve been following me on Instagram then you know I’ve been working on delayed hair washing.
I’ve gotten it down to washing once a week and I LOVE using this scalp massager when I wash! I feel like it’s helping get my hair super clean, plus it just feels awesome 😉
Speaking of delayed hair washing I also invested in this wet shine brush and am mindful to brush my hair really well each night (helps spread out the oil and keep hair from getting yucky between washes). It works great!
Spear started climbing out of the crib this month so I invested in an extra-large sleep sack. If he climbs out I then put the sleep sack on him (backward so he can’t unzip it) and it keeps him contained!
For Valentine’s Day, I got Kye these wireless headphones and they have worked SO well! He wore them on his trip on the plane and has used them around the house a TON. The girls all want some now too!
I also bought Kye this travel pillow and it also worked out GREAT!
Kye is getting older and showing concern for some natural coloring with his teeth. I asked around a ton and several people recommended this mouth wash for helping whiten without being too harsh.
We purchased the kids each a wand when we visited Universal and I had NO clue at the time how obsessed with Harry Potter Britt would become!
I feel bad I didn’t buy her a fancy wand like we got Kye (and he ended up not being all that into it).
Her cheaper wand broke and I wasn’t about to make her wait until her birthday in December for a new one. She plays with it DAILY so I didn’t mind purchasing another one for her.
I grabbed this wand from Amazon assuming it’d be another cheap wand…but oh my goodness it’s AWESOME.
It teaches spells and has a setting where it tells you if you did a spell correctly. She LOVES it!
I got her the Hermoine one but plan to get the others as gifts for her as well!
For my trip to Atlanta with Kye I needed a stadium bag. This one is AWESOME quality and the largest size that’s allowed at stadiums…and under $8!
We have been making updates to the Disney House and LOVE these pillows! A great buy if you’re needing replacement pillows!
Looking for anything mentioned in this post? Or want to see other things I love? Be sure to shop my Amazon page here!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
i would love to have the toms in size 7.5!
I added the HP wand to my cart for future gift giving. For myself I’d love that casual camo loose fitting tunic-y top. Great color options for Spring with the warmth still needed before Summer arrives!