With this year coming to a close and 2014 beginning I know we all are looking forward and thinking about our goals for the coming year. Have a goal to get healthier? Lose some weight? Earn more money? Advocare has helped my family with ALL THREE of those goals!
I have posted many times about the benefits we have found with Advocare. It allowed me to lose my baby weight after having Britt. It helped Zach to reach his lowest weight since college. It has helped me be healthier this pregnancy. It’s given my kids a more well-rounded diet. It’s gotten us eating healthier and feeling healthier! Zach and I both have much more energy and are better able to keep up with our children until bedtime. On top of allllll of those benefits…it’s also given us an awesome amount of extra income to our home. I’ve averaged $600-$800 a month this year just by organically sharing my story and my love of the products Advocare offers!!!
What are some of YOUR goals for 2014? Can Advocare help YOU to reach them like it has for us? Y’all know I’m passionate about keeping it real on my blog. I take pride in being true to myself in everything I write and I stand by any product I ever recommend. I know everyone is looking for “the thing” that works for them, and Advocare has been that “thing” for us. I truly am so thankful for the products the company offers and for the business opportunity I’ve been able to enjoy too!
Starting tomorrow Advocare is running an AWESOME sale. Having been with the company since July of 2012 I can tell you I have only ever seen the 24 Day Challenge go on sale ONCE and that was New Year’s Day of 2013. This is a rare occasion so if you’ve been thinking about doing the 24 Day Challenge NOW is the time!!! It’s a GREAT way to jump start your goals of losing weight and getting healthier! The average person loses 12 lbs and 9 inches in just 24 days!
While I can’t do the full challenge (hello pregnancy!) Zach and some of his family all plan to take advantage of the discount and kick of the New Year with doing the challenge together! I HIGHLY recommend doing it with a friend, your spouse, or even a group of people. Having that accountability is huge and really makes a difference!!!
Want a deeper discount? If you join the membership for $79 you get a discount of 20% off ALL products for LIFE and Advocare sends you $50 worth of products! For us it’s a no-brainer b/c I’m allll about working the system and getting the best deals possible. And, yes, you get your discount on top of the sale price 🙂
Interested in a great way to earn extra money this year? I know I personally never planned on looking at Advocare as a business. I am a stay at home mom and have never brought in any income to our home. While I didn’t plan on it, once I started seeing results people naturally wanted to try it for themselves and it just took off on its own from there! I’ve done some other direct sales type things and none of them have ever brought me this kind of income. Plus there is VERY little start up cost! Just by joining the membership (that one time $79) you are given your own website. You can just use it for yourself and your own orders (to get your discount) or you can also let people shop from your site and earn money from those sales! It’s SO SIMPLE!
I have a tab at the top of my blog that gives TONS of info about Advocare! All my personal posts about it as well as other sites with great info and tips to help with the challenge (print outs for what to eat, details on the challenge for nursing moms, etc!). You can see ALL my Advocare info HERE!
If you’d like to order the 24 Day Challenge it goes on sale TOMORROW and you can order it here (I highly recommend the chocolate shakes…I drink one every single morning for breakfast!).
If you’d like to join the membership be sure to do it BEFORE ordering anything so you can get that discount!!! You can join the membership here! Once you join you start off at the 20% discount level but can go as high as 40%!
If you have ANY questions feel free to contact me! I know this time last year I had tons of Advocare questions and such and I am totally around to help in anyway I can! Best place to reach me is on my Facebook page or email me at deliasgoddess33@aol.com
Happy New Year to everyone!!! Hope you are enjoying the last night of 2013! I’m excited for all the many joys and blessings in the year to come 🙂
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- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
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