How have I been a parent for almost 13 years now but have somehow managed to NEVER take my kids to a FAIR?!?! What kinda mama am I?!?!
When the local carnival came to town in October we were invited by our local mall (shout out to Valdosta Mall!) to attend the fair on opening night to help share with the local community that the carnival was in town 🙂
I honestly did NOT expect it to be SO FUN or to have SO MUCH to do! It’s set up in our mall parking lot but yet it felt WAY bigger!
We were gifted armbands that allowed us unlimited rides. In the future if we’re buying our own tickets I WILL do the unlimited ride bands for the KIDS only. Zach and I are not huge on the rides and the stuff Spear could do he could do with his siblings most of the time so we weren’t hardcore “needed.”
The unlimited band was SUPER worthwhile though as we found the kids wanted to do the same things over and over again (lookin’ at you funhouse!).
They had a nice set up to know upfront about sizing and what attractions the kids would be able to do. It was a bit frustrating for Tess as she fell in a restriction zone that required an adult over age 16 to ride with her on some attractions.
We were excited for a night of family fun!
The first attraction also ended up being THE FAV of the night. The kids LOVED the fun house maze and kept showing their bands over and over to do it again and again. The huge hit was the tunnel exit. Because we were among the first people there on opening night we had it ALL to ourselves and the kids loved trying to run around and around the tunnel.
Zach and I loved watching 😉 The kids were also all able to ride the cute little speed racer cars together without an adult and they LOVED it.
We also went as a whole family in the maze of mirrors house and it was cracking us up watching the kids run smack dab into the mirrors. Zach and the kids raced on the magic carpet slide and the video is so funny bc when I posted it on IG I thought Zach was being sweet with a protective arm out to protect the kids but instead he was PUSHING them BACK so he’d win!
Kye was THE first person of the entire fair to ride this crazy scary ride and I was SO NERVOUS. I was basically freaking out the entire time watching him! He survived though 😉
Ironically Kye had JUST gone to the Perry Fair (the largest fair in Georgia) on a field trip and when he did he won FOUR FISH and brought them home. Quite the prize and of course I couldn’t be mad about it because it was a “gift” for his siblings. But at this fair? We ain’t winning no more FISH!
Poor Zach HAD to ride a couple of rides in order for Tess and Spear to be allowed to ride them. I was cracking up watching him and every time he passed by me he was moaning haha
Tess probably did the fun house over 30 times. Not even joking. It worked out SO perfect though because she LOVED it and was completely content doing it over and over (even the guy working the entrance of it was laughing and joking with her) and it helped her not to feel left out of the attractions that she wasn’t tall enough to participate in.
Kye and Britt were able to do a few things together and my mama heart always loves those bonding opportunities! He kept telling her stuff was no big deal and then it was actually a pretty rough ride. Her face is so funny but then she did it and loved it, of course. Anything her big brother does she’s RIGHT THERE and all about it!
A favorite of the kids at Wild Adventures is the “dizzy dragons” and they had a bear version at the carnival. Again, I just LOVE moments like these where my babies are making memories together!!! Zach and I def didn’t mind the fact that we got to CHILL a good bit of the night!
Of course we had to ride the Ferris wheel and see all of Valdosta below us 🙂 I thought I could handle a Ferris wheel but OMG I did nottttt like it. Every time we came around I asked if we could go ahead and stop the ride. Not. My. Jam.
A must at the fair? FOOD. Fun fact too I learned is that you CAN just go to the fair and buy the food. There is no entry fee to enter the carnival. I can totally see us riding by and scooping up snacks 😉
We debated what to get and a few of the kids wanted snow cones (not the best fair food in my opinion) so the rest of us had FRESH donuts. And I’m not exaggerating when I’m saying this – THEY WERE INCREDIBLE. Plus they came in a super cute bucket to take home!
I’m not big on wasting money and we all know carnival games are a total waste of money. So rigged right?!? Kye really wanted to try the basketball game so we let him go for it and neither he nor Zach made any shots. Not a surprise.
We seriously had THE best time. It was one of those nights where everyone was in a great mood and we all were laughing and joking and just having FUN TOGETHER. My favorite family moments for sure!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025