I’ve been waiting to put these up for awhile now but I wanted Mom to get a chance to see it in person before seeing it online!
If you’ve ever glanced at this blog before then you know we are going to be surprised at the sex of our baby! Zach has been very picky with what to do for the nursery and I really wanted to do something we’d both love so we decided to match the contemporary feel of the rest of our house with dots as the pattern.
I’m not a HUGE dots fan so we also incorporated animals!
Here’s the crib (I LOVE our crib) It’s missing the bedding which won’t be in until late Jan. We also are going to be hanging two white frames above the crib with pictures of each of us when we were babies in them. Plus we don’t have the mobile yet either.
The birds are wall stickers so cool! We ended up doing the same red curtains that we have in the rest of our house but the matched so why not? And it looks good from the outside of the house with the blinds open because they match the dining room blinds too! Plus it get SO bright in this room that I like how I’ll be able to pull them shut and keep out the sun if I want to.
We LOVE our chair! It glides, rocks, and reclines! The ottoman also glides too! It’s so awesome and I can’t wait to nurse Clover in it 🙂 Zach already sits in there as much as he can! We also both love the big stuffed elephant we got on our recent Ikea trip and the giraffee is, I think, Zach’s favorite of the wall stickers.
We painted these frames to match the stripe on the wall (which my AMAZING husband did an awesome job of making sure was PERFECT!) I love the touch lamp too!
My favorite wall sticker is the monkey…and it looks like he’s turning on or off the light switch 🙂 This lower dresser will be the changing table once we get the pad and cover for it.
We bought the thing on the right to hang in the nursery but there wasn’t room so it still looks good in the closet! It will come in handy for stuffed animal, blanket, and other toy storage! The cube thing was sooo expensive but I really really wanted one! I plan on using the top three for a hamper, a “pack away” tub of clothes that don’t fit but that we want to keep, and a “get rid of tub” of clothes that don’t fit that we don’t want to keep! That way I can get rid of stuff easier and stay organized (I know it’s probably wishful thinking on my part…)
We’ve been buying diapers everytime we go to Walmart. These are just the newborn and size ones we have! We stored the twos and up in the garage! We also had to already get a bookshelf (thanks Ikea!) because Clover already has so many books which is a great thing!
Doing the nursery really made Zach and I realize something about how our relationship works. We do best if I stick to planning and he sticks to implementing the plans! I tried to help but everything I did I pretty much screwed up haha! I hemmed the curtains and he had to go back and do them again because I did it wrong! So from now on I think we’ll stick to how to works best! I’m proud of how the whole room turned out though and I honestly think it fits perfectly for a girl or boy and isn’t too babyish! I think Clover could stay in this room until she/he is three and still love it!
We also made a video of the nursery because pictures of a room are just hard to capture! Enjoy and I’ll post more once it’s 100% complete but this is the best it’ll be probably until right before Clover gets here 🙂
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
So cool-I love the video. Very cute nursery, definitely fits with the rest of your house! You will love that cubed storage thing!Rachael
So cool- I love the video. The nursery is so cute, it goes well with the rest of your house! You will love the cubed storage thing!Rachael