So in ONE day of our trip we all changed outfits three times. Haha! We started off the day by the boats then ate lunch at the park, took naps, and ended our day in Old Town. Zach and I both LOVE Old Town! It’s such a fun area and a great thing to do as a family! First we headed to take our annual pictures with the cannon. You can see past cannon pics here: 2012, 2011, 2010 and 2009. Guess this was our 5th year taking these pics! So cool 🙂
Best moment of the day?!?! A random stranger offering to get a family photo for us with the cannon!!! First time that’s happened and I was PUMPED 🙂 And everyone is actually looking at the camera!
Ready for alllllll the comments about our stroller fans 🙂
One of Zach’s favorite things about Old Town is the Magic Show!
Kye is old enough to be a little more into it now 😉
We walked around for a little bit but decided not to buy anything other than an ornament for our tree. Last year we bought the kids shirts and while they are super cool, they were also kinda expensive. With our financial goals in mind we decided that the experience of being there and getting to have the family Christmas ornament was enough and we could do without the shirts 🙂
Even with living on the cheap we still ate at our favorite restaurant, Pizza Alleys! Last year was a fiasco with Britt so we opted to eat outside this time around. With the fans going it wasn’t too hot and I was happy that everything went SO much more smoothly this year! Thankful for paper placemats and crayons for sure 😉
I think Daddy enjoyed it just as much if not more so than the kids 😉
Ready to GRUB!
We were parked in the Pizza Alley’s parking lot so we decided to just leave the stroller and walk down for dessert. I LOVE having the double stroller. I think it makes life so, so much easier to just push the kids around rather than having them walk and I also think it minimizes any potential behavior issues. However, my favorite memory from that afternoon was just walking with the kids! It was nice being so “casual”and I enjoyed all the comments from people about how cute our kids are 😉 You can’t really see their cuteness when they are in a bulky stroller and their faces are hidden by fans haha
The line for ice cream at Kilwin’s was CRAZY. We had a party of 22 people in front of us. I get a little claustrophobic myself and it was CRAMMED in there. But when you promise a four year old ice cream…you kinda gotta deliver 😉 Thankfully they have an electric train that goes around the top of the store non-stop. It provided TONS of entertainment for my kids while we waited. Britt was literally obsessed with it and was so so so concerned whenever it left her sight. She yelled “choo choo chooooo choooooo” the entire time and I’m pretty sure the people around us were super annoyed by it. I mean it seemed like she was pitching some kind of train fit but really she was just SO excited about it that she kept yelling haha. I even took a video of it haha
We found a great little bench and just enjoyed our ice cream and had fun together! Sitting on St George Street allowed for a lot of quality people watching as well 🙂 I’ve learned that I don’t freak out about messiness that much. I mean Kye had MEGA food colored ice cream and I just let him roll with it. Zach is a little more nervous about making a mess than I am and he was hardcore about Britt eating her ice cream and having help etc 😉
It was SUCH a great evening!!! We all had a great time and enjoyed the dinner and dessert and got back to the room in time for baths and a little fun before bed…Kye still enjoys “scaring us” in his towels! I love that our kids still have their normal, early, bedtimes even when we travel. Zach and I were able to have quality time together watching Parks and Rec and just be in complete chill mode before we went to bed ourselves!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
St. Augustine is awesome! My dad lives in Jacksonville so we get to go down there a good bit. Pizza Alley's and Kilwin's are two of my favorite places also!! Just a tip for your next trip….have you been to the Alligator Farm? We took our kids last year, and they loved it. It's a lot of fun and educational. 🙂