Sunday December 4th we decided to have yet another family night out on the town (I think Zach’s wallet is what made Brittlynn arrive that Tuesday…our family nights out were adding up!). I heard from Crissy about these AWESOME Christmas lights in town and wanted to be sure to see them. At church that morning a cousin of ours suggested for me to eat fried chicken to help induce labor…I’d never heard that before but it gave us an excuse for some KFC. In my 8 years of living in Valdosta I’ve never eaten inside there before! Kye was THRILLED to get to “go out to eat” and have chicken and bread. His two favorite things. He was super adorable in the line for the food and kept the people behind us plenty entertained! When they asked him what he wants for Christmas he said “a bicycle!” UM WHAT?!?! I had a nice talk with him that we don’t always get what we want…I mean I already told Santa that Mommy and Daddy want to get him one for his Birthday! He has continually brought up wanting a bike since and I’m hoping the magic of Christmas morning will make him forget it 😉
Here’s some pics of our KFC dinner outing:
During dinner Kye mentioned that he wanted a cookie for dessert. He’s gotten so used to Zaxby’s here lately that I think he expects them every time we eat out haha. I remembered that Bruster’s gives free ice cream to kids so I suggested that to Zach and we went there afterward. Pretty funny to be eating ice cream while outside in December! It seriously wasn’t cold though – Kye didn’t even need a jacket. He was THRILLED to get ice cream with sprinkles and I couldn’t get over how adorable it was for free!
chowing down
Hilarious face
Ice Cream lovers!
After we finished our ice cream we drove through a neighborhood nearby that has HUGE Christmas cards in each yard. It’s a neat idea…but kinda boring to look at. It was Kye’s first time looking at Christmas lights though and he loved it. Since so many people have those deers we spent most of our time talking about them and trying to find some in the yards. Def inspired me to want our yard to be “cooler”! After that neighborhood we drove out to find the really cool house we’d heard about!
It was AWESOME. It’s located off Guest Road (across from the water treatment plant, off Bemiss) and if you’re local it’s a MUST SEE!!! When we first pulled up the lights were off and we thought “just our luck” then the guy who lives there came and plugged them in so we got to see the ENTIRE show from start to finish. It was about 30 min long and we’ve NEVER seen ANYTHING like it! Here’s a short video! All three of us sat memorized and literally couldn’t leave. Zach wants to go back really badly and I hope we get a chance to before Christmas. Kye talked about it a TON and it was an awesome way to end the night! We got home a little late for bed and he skipped his bath but sometimes it’s worth it ya know? 😉
While we’re a family of four now I know that Zach and I will still do things one on one with each child and both of us with one child so it’s won’t always be the four of us. I think it’s important for us ALL to have as much quality time together as we can in all forms that quality time can be!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
how cute! this post and the icecream reminded me of mine and your trip to brusters when you were here. Yum. we're going to take Rhyan tonight to see some lights at a few pretty decked out houses within a 10-15 min radius. i'm excited b/c i KNOW she's gonna love it. Every time we pass lights around here she's all "wook, mommy! so pretty! beautiful! wonderful!" lol.LOVE the enthusiasm that our little ones show… reminds me of the child-like excitement of christmas 🙂