Talking to Kids About Suicide

Even just writing that sentence gives me chills and a kick-in-the-stomach type feeling. As I’m sure it does for any other parent reading that sentence too. Talking to kids about suicide? That’s a scary topic.…

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Moms and Daughters Weekend at Disney – Feb 2020

Moms and Daughters Weekend at Disney – Feb 2020 We celebrate the older kids’ birthdays at Disney World and it’s really worked out smoothly for Tess and Britt as both of their birthdays are near…

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Parent VS Friend: Why My Children Aren’t My Friends (YET!)

Parent VS Friend: Why My Children Aren’t My Friends (YET!) Often in our society today the lines between parent and friend become blurred. On social media, I often see “My daughter is my best friend!”…

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Kye’s 11th Birthday Slideshow

Kye’s 11th Birthday Slideshow Today Kye is ELEVEN. He can officially no longer count his age on his fingers! Even though it’s tough seeing my baby grow up, each stage is better than the last.…

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My Favorites – January and February 2020

My Favorites – January and February 2020 Yay for a new year! I’m going to continue doing my favorite things posts and like the style of having them every other month. I’ve been working on…

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