Tips for Saving Money on Food at Disney World

What are the best ways to eat on a budget the Disney parks? Can you bring in outside food to Disney World? These tips for Saving Money on Food at Disney World will answer all…

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Disney Weekend January 2020: Part 1

Disney Weekend January 2020: Part 1 Our house at Disney World rents out pretty frequently so we have learned that if we want to use it we gotta block of dates EARLY! We basically go…

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The Advantages of Buying School Lunch

What are the advantages of buying school lunch versus bringing a packed lunch? Let’s discuss. I’ve always desired to be a stay at home mom. When I’d daydream about my life as a homemaker I…

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My Favorites – November and December 2019

My Favorites – November and December 2019 I love this time of the year! So many fun family things and so much comfortable cuddly clothes to wear while doing all the things 🙂 Here are…

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Goals for 2020

Goals for 2020. Where I was on FIRE about 2019…I feel very stuck in the middle with starting 2020. I don’t feel like it’s a fresh start or a new beginning. I feel like I’m…

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