Spear’s 2nd Birthday Letter {From Daddy}

Spear’s 2nd Birthday Letter {From Daddy} Spear, Happy Birthday!!!! My rambunctious little boy.   You are the perfect kid to cap off and complete our family. You have grown so much this year. You are running…

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Donald Duck Birthday Party: Food, Decorations & More!

I was pretty excited to plan this party. I enjoy a challenge and there is nothing out there for a Donald Duck birthday party theme. I have always enjoyed planning parties…once Pinterest came around party planning…

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New Year’s Eve 2019

New Year’s Eve 2019 We always spend the holidays at home and it’s always a special time together! We’ve started a tradition over the years of having a large fancy dinner for New Year’s. The…

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Monthly Family Recap: December 2019

Monthly Family Recap: December 2019 A lot of our December was spent gearing up for the holiday season so be sure to read all about that fun here! This is the first family recap post…

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Spear’s School Summary: Fall 2019

Spear’s School Summary: Fall 2019 The decision to send Spear to school this year was NOT planned but it has really all worked out so, so well. You can read more about that decision here!…

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