Tess’s School Summary: Fall 2019

Tess’s School Summary: Fall 2019 Entering kindergarten was a big, big adjustment for Tess. She struggled a lot with this transition (I wrote this post about it!). She adores her teacher and has shocked me…

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Britt’s School Summary: Fall 2019

Britt’s School Summary: Fall 2019 Britt is thriving in second grade! She ADORES her teachers and has several sweet friends in her class. They do not yet do grades but she is either at the…

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Kye’s School Summary: Fall 2019

Kye’s School Summary: Fall 2019 Kye didn’t love fourth grade and I’m SO happy that he’s really loving 5th grade so far. He has a fabulous team of teachers and a great blend of fellow…

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Christmas 2019

Christmas 2019 You can see our Core Crew Christmas here! On the 24th we head over to Zach’s parents house for the day and night. For several years the guys played in the Cat Creek…

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25 Super Easy Elf on the Shelf Ideas

Elf on the Shelf is a fun holiday tradition for kids of all ages! While the possibilities are endless, they don’t have to be complicated! Here are 25 super easy Elf on the Shelf ideas…

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