Our Core Crew Christmas 2019

Our Core Crew Christmas 2019. I say it every year but our Core Crew Christmas is my FAVORITE day of the entire year! In case you’re new here, we spend the night every year on…

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Pre-Christmas Activities 2019

Pre-Christmas Activities 2019 This year was SO magical with the holiday season. I kept joking that Christmas Spirit Zach is my FAVORITE Zach but really he was ON IT and made things SO fun this…

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Should Kids Get Paid to Do Chores? How We Do Chores For Kids

A commonly asked question among parents is: should kids get paid to do chores? There is a lot of debate surrounding the topic with parents today. Some believe kids should contribute to the home from…

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Zach and Emily Christmas Disney Getaway 2019

Zach and Emily Christmas Disney Getaway 2019 Every year Zach and I go away together for just a couple nights in December. We started going away together actually in college as we did a “ski…

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Britt’s 8th Birthday Letter {From Mommy}

If you’d like to know how you can write a special Happy 8th Birthday, Daughter letter, this post will give you a good place to start. Birthday letters are a super special way to give…

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