Thanksgiving 2019

Thanksgiving 2019 I love our new family tradition of spending Thanksgiving at Disney! Last year was our first year and it went great but it was also a learning year…we learned NOT to buy as…

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Britt’s 8th Disney Birthday: Solo Park Days

Britt’s 8th Disney Birthday: Mommy and Daddy Solo Park Days. We are a mega Disney Family and I always post all of our fun live day-of in my stories on Instagram so be sure to…

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Britt’s 8th Disney Bday: Disney Springs Day

Britt’s 8th Disney Bday: Disney Springs Day The year that Spear joined our family (2017) we spent a LOT of time in Florida waiting out the clearance to be allowed to cross the state line…

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Britt’s 8th Birthday Slideshow

Britt’s 8th Birthday Slideshow The one who made my dreams of having a daughter come true 💕⁣ She’s our kid who inherited Daddy’s “naturally good at everything they try” trait, the girl whose light shines…

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Spear’s 2nd Birthday Party

Spear’s 2nd Birthday Party! Last year for Spear’s first birthday party we had the party on his actual birthday, December 1st. It all worked out fine but we had all of our Christmas decorations out…

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