Football Birthday Party Ideas (Fear the Spear!)

Fear the Spear – Football Birthday Party Ideas One of Spear’s first legit words was “touchdown” and he said it anytime he saw any sort of toy ball. With his name being Spear…and our family…

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The Myth of the “Perfect” Babywise Baby

Let me clear this up: The is NO such thing as a “perfect” Babywise Baby. Just as there is no such thing as a perfect person. Perfect Christian. Perfect parent. There simply is no perfect…

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Spear’s 2nd Birthday Slideshow

Spear’s 2nd Birthday Slideshow When Spear turned one I was ALL ABOUT IT. No tears here! I’m DONE with babies and I’m HAPPY. Now he’s two and I am having all the feels about him…

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What I’m Thankful For – 2019

What I’m Thankful For – 2019 It’s hard in the daily grind of day to day life to really stop and pause and consider all the many blessings we have. We get bogged down. We…

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What to Expect During the Newborn Days

What to Expect During the Newborn Days This post originally appeared on Twin Mom and More Being pregnant with your first child is such an exciting time. Decorating the nursery. Registering for all the adorable…

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