Spear is 21 Months Old

Spear is 21 Months Old. Spear turned 21 months old on September 1st. Using What to Expect the Toddler Years here is where Spear matches up with the “norm” for his age in the area of development…

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Mommy and Big Kids Disney Weekend Part II – September 2019

Mommy and Big Kids Disney Weekend Part II – September 2019 If you didn’t already read about the first part of our trip you can do that here! We left Magic Kingdom around 3:30ish and…

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Mommy and Big Kids Disney Weekend – September 2019

Mommy and Big Kids Disney Weekend – September 2019 We had originally planned to go to Disney over Labor Day but when Hurricane Dorian came through we decided to just stay home and avoid the…

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Spear Summary of Month 21

Spear Summary of Month 21 This post covers the 21st month of Spear’s life – the entire month of August – and he was 20 months old during this month. Sleeping and Eating Y’all. I…

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Monthly Family Recap: August 2019

Monthly Family Recap: August 2019. August was the end of summer and the beginning of the school year. Zach’s birthday is August 7th which is also always the fist day of school. I typically do…

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