Adult Only Disney Night!

Zach and I haven’t been to Disney World as a couple together since prior to taking Kye for his first visit. I was really excited to experience the parks with just Zach and was interested…

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Bday Disney Trip: Wilderness Lodge

My gift for my 30th birthday was a trip to DISNEY! I’m not gonna deny it…I was really, really hoping that turning 30 would somehow involve Disney. When you’re turning such a “milestone” age you want…

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Our Disney Travels

This is a post designated to ALL of our Disney visits! I’ve listed our trips in chronological order and will be adding to it as we visit Disney in the future. I totally plan to…

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Disney…a little bit of drama then a lot of FUN!

My “Disney Goal” is to instill the magical love of Disney into my children the same way I have it for myself. I LOVE Disney. To me it seriously is THE Happiest Place on EARTH!!!…

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Emily’s Disney Tips!

I hope everyone enjoyed ALL my many Disney posts! I thought I’d do one entry combining all of the tips I’ve learned so next time I plan a trip to Disney I can just refer…

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