Back to School 2019

Back to School – 2019 This was a BIG YEAR in the Parker household with back to school time! It’s the ONLY year EVER that Kye, Britt and Tess will all be at the same…

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Britt and Her Glasses – The Placebo Effect as a Parenting ​Tool.

Britt and Her Glasses – The Placebo Effect as a Parenting Tool. Britt can be tricky to parent. She tends to be a tad dramatic and almost seems like she’s truly acting or putting on…

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Spear is 20 Months Old

Spear turned 20 months old on August 1st! Spear turned 20 Months Old on August 1st.  I’m using What to Expect the Toddler Years to compare his milestones and development. At 20 months old Spear is doing…

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Can I Do Babywise With Formula Feeding?

Can I Do Babywise With Formula Feeding? {Guest Post} As a babywise mom life revolves around the sleep schedule and sleep routine. Following the Babywise method allows moms to understand their baby’s sleep cycles, when…

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Spear Summary of Month 20

Spear Summary of Month 20. This post covers the 20th month of Spear’s life, the entire month of July, and he was 19 months old during this month! Sleeping and Eating I’m so super thankful…

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