Tess’s 5th Bday at Disney: Morning with Daddy

Tess’s 5th Bday at Disney: Morning with Daddy Last year we celebrated Tess’s first Disney birthday and honestly? I think she was too young. It was overwhelming for her to make choices about what she…

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Tess’s 5th Disney Bday: Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Review

Tess’s 5th Disney Bday: Hoop-Dee-Doo Musical Review. This year we celebrated Tess’s Disney birthday a little earlier than usual due to our house being booked (hey, good problem to have!). We went down on Wednesday…

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Zach and I got married in the summertime and had one semester left of college before graduation. Zach wanted to start having babies immediately…whereas I wanted to give it a second before jumping into motherhood…

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Thoughts and Feelings in the Trenches of a Speech Delay

Sometimes when I go to write the words flow easily. It’s like therapy for me – the way I best express my thoughts and emotions is through writing. But trying to write these thoughts. These…

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What to do Before You Give up Breastfeeding

What to do Before you Give Up Breastfeeding. So often breastfeeding is made out to be something that will come naturally, easily and be a smooth process. However, that is rarely the case. Breastfeeding is most…

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