Spear Summary of Month 19

Spear Summary of Month 19 This is a summary of Kye’s 19th month of life. It covers all of June and he was 18 months old during this month! Sleeping and Eating We currently still…

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Tess’s 5th Birthday Slideshow

Tess’s 5th Birthday Slideshow. Today my sweet baby girl is FIVE. Who else feels like I was just pregnant with her and we were all super pumped to see if “Leo” would be a HE…

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End of Month Recap: June 2019

End of month recap: June 2019 This post is going to cover the second half of our June! Missed the first half of the month? Be sure to read this post! Kye checked in at…

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Mid-Month Recap: June 2019

Mid-Month Recap: June 2019 Typically in the summers I do weekly posts but this summer I really didn’t want to deal with that as I had a pretty set game plan for our daily routine…

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Tess’s School Summary: Spring 2019

Tess’s School Summary: Spring 2019 It’s c-razy that my sweet little Tessie is heading off to KINDERGARTEN!!! I’m. Not. Ready. It was a sad second half of the school year with Tess with knowing that…

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