Favorite Finds June 2019

Favorite Finds June 2019 What I Did This Month: Whew. Summer is so busy and so exhausting! This month I got to enjoy two kid-free outings. For Book Club we mixed things up a bit…

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Ditch the Screens: 15 Indoor Kid’s Activities that Don’t Involve the TV

Ditch the Screens: 15 Indoor Kid’s Activities That Don’t Involve the TV This is a guest post contributed by Cheryl from United Scope. Technology is a sort of necessary evil in today’s society, crucial to…

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Father’s Day 2019

Father’s Day 2019. Both of our Mother’s Day and Father’s Day celebrations were a bit “off” this year. With our Mother’s Day celebration we had Britt’s exhibition and with Father’s Day Zach’s Aunt Cheryl got…

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Britt’s School Summary: Spring 2019

Britt’s School Summary: Spring 2019 I mentally keep forgetting that Britt just finished first grade. For some reason in my head she’s entering into THIRD and not second! She just seems SO GROWN to me…

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Low Sleep Needs Baby vs. High Sleep Needs Baby: How to Tell the Difference

I am a hardcore Babywise mama. I start implementing sleep strategies from birth to help my babies become great sleepers (Click here for my post on how to start Babywise from birth!). It’s not easy:…

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