Disney Resort Catergorie​s: Breaking Down the Options for WDW Resorts

Disney Resort Categories: Breaking Down the Options for WDW Resorts. I am often faced with questions regarding staying on-site at a Walt Disney World Resorts. When planning your Disney World vacation a tough decision in…

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Kye’s School Summary Spring 2019

Kye’s School Summary Spring 2019 It’s funny to me how each year Kye has less and less of his school work that he desires to keep and take photos of. Guess that’s part of growing…

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Our First Visit to Sea World Orlando

Our First Visit to Sea World Orlando. We are really trying to organize our travel this summer in a way that we aren’t traveling two consecutive weekends in a row if at all possible. We…

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Christian Adoption Consultants Review – Tips for Consultant Services

If you’re curious about Christian Adoption Consultants and wondering if you should work with a consultant service to adopt, you’ve come to the right place. We started our adoption journey in April of 2016. You…

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Spear’s 18 Month Pediatrician Well Visit

Spear’s 18 Month Pediatrician Well Visit. It’s SO nice being back on track for Spear’s well visits! He turned 18 months old on June 1st and we had his appointment on June 4th. Being summer…

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