Spear is 18 Months Old

Spear turned 18 months old on June 1st. I’m using What to Expect the Toddler Years to compare his milestones and development. Total bad-mom moment but I dropped the ball and didn’t get any special pictures or…

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Spear Summary of Month 18

Spear Summary of Month 18. This post covers Spear’s 18th month of life (the entire month of May in 2019). He was 17 months old during this month. Sleeping and Eating Babywise recommends for toddlers…

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Monthly Family Recap: May 2019

Monthly Family Recap: May 2019 The next several monthly recaps will be jammed packed because that’s how our lives our right now! Spring and Summer are always GO GO GO! Family Update: Want to shop…

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Infant Sleep Guide: Helping Your Baby Sleep

Infant Sleep Guide: Helping Your Baby Sleep I was very, very honored with our pediatrician’s office asked me a few years ago to write up both a newborn sleep guide as well as one for…

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Favorite Finds May 2019

Favorite Finds for May 2019. What I Did This Month: This was such a fun-filled month for me! I had THE best Mother’s Day EVER (You can read about it here) with my sweet babies…

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