Anniversary Trip to Williamsburg, Virginia Part 2

Anniversary Trip to Williamsburg, Virginia Part 2. Did you miss the first part of our trip? Be sure to read this post to get caught up! On our second full day in Williamsburg, we took…

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Sunscreen Tips for Summer: Applying Sunscreen Quickly with Kids

Even with just one kid, sunscreen is a pain. But with FOUR kids? I knew for this summer I needed a strategy. That’s why I’ve come up with these sunscreen tips for summer to help…

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Anniversary Trip to Williamsburg, Virginia Part 1

Anniversary Trip to Williamsburg, Virginia Part 1 Zach and I love to get away together each year for our anniversary. It’s a great opportunity to have quality time together and a chance to really reconnect…

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Last Days of School 2019

Last Days of School 2019. This year was, well, just a school year. Nothing crazy special. Not horrible, but not amazing either. It was just a year ha! Which is funny because when I look…

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Mommy and Tess Trip: Morning at Magic Kingdom

Mommy and Tess Trip: Morning at Magic Kingdom. Tess and I had a GREAT first day on our solo trip together! You can read all about it here 🙂 I was woken up at 6…

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