Disney World Reopening Weekend: Magic Kingdom Reopening Day

Disney World Reopening Weekend: Magic Kingdom Reopening Day. I struggled falling asleep the night before Magic Kingdom opening day. SO. MUCH. ANTICIPATION. You can read about my resort stay and my goal of being at…

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Mustache Baby Shower Ideas: Robyn’s Mr. Man Shower!

I have been SO excited for Robyn’s mustache baby shower!!! I really, really love hosting showers for people. I wish I could afford to do them for everyone. Having a baby is such a special…

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Monthly Family Recap: January 2020

Monthly Family Recap: January 2020. Our first family recap of the new year! Family Fun We kicked off 2020 by having the camping stuff set up in the backyard for the kids. They didn’t spend…

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2019 In Pictures

Every year I do a recap of our year by sharing pictures and blog posts to summarize our best moments from the year! It’s neat that this year ends a full decade and I love…

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Celebrating My 35th Birthday!

Celebrating My 35th Birthday! I feel like 35 is kinda a big deal? I mean dude I’m MID-30s now. RIGHT?! This year Zach and I decided to take the entire year off from giving gifts…

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