Spear is 11 Months Old

Spear turned 11 months old on November 1st! I use What to Expect the First Year to see where he’s at in his milestones and development and I purchased his monthly stickers here 🙂  Not even gonna lie…pretty pumped for…

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Spear Summary of Month 11

This post covers the entire month of October, Spear’s 11th month of life. He was 10 months old during this month.  Eating: Spear continues to LOVE TO GRUB. He will eat and eat and EAT.…

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Functional Scoliosis – Leg Length Discrepancy

Functional Scoliosis – Leg Length Discrepancy.  Kye had his 9 year well check in August (yes, WAY away from his actual 9th birthday #eyeroll) and I discussed a bit about some concerns regarding Kye in…

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October 2018 Recap

In my attempts to catch up a bit I’m doing another combo post for October! Just all our family stuff and all the stuff each of the big kids were into…Spear will still have his…

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Halloween 2018

Our Halloween activities stay pretty consistent every year and I really love our traditions! It’s not overkill (sometimes randomly Easter can be too much for us?!?!) but it’s just the right amount of FUN!  I…

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