Spear’s 1st Birthday Slideshow

Spear turned ONE on Saturday! I usually like to post my kid’s birthday slideshows on the blog on their actual birthday (regardless of how far behind “real time” I may be in my blogging). But…

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Big Three Recap: September 2018

Rather than do individual posts or a family post for this month I’m lumping the big three kid’s summaries into one post and then Spear will have his own 🙂  Zach and Kye have gone…

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Spear’s 9 Month Well Visit

On September 27th we had Spear’s 9 month well visit. I decided to let him try peanut butter for the first time that morning since we’d be going to the dr anyway just in case…

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Spear’s 9 Month Pictures

I have a very solid routine down when it comes to getting pictures taken of my kids. We do birth photos, newborn photos, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, 18 months, 2 years…

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1900 Park Fare and End of Girl’s Trip

Every year that we’ve attended the MNSSHP we drive down the morning of the party…attend the party…then head home the next morning.  Benefit of having a friend who happens to own a house at Disney?…

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