Paradise Pier, Downtown Disney, and Water Park Day!

Our second full day in California was on Monday September 3rd which also happened to be Labor Day. When planning the trip I felt like this would be the best day to have a non-arm…

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First Evening at Disneyland

Even though we were all pretty jet lagged from the travel day the day prior, no one actually feel asleep for nap time during our mid-day break. I think the excitement was just too much!…

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Nothing DOWN About It {Down Syndrome Awareness}

Nothing DOWN About It {Down Syndrome Awareness} Hi! My name is Kirstin and I blog over at The Gaddis Gazette, where I write about our life with a little EXTRA. October is Down syndrome awareness…

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First Morning at Disneyland

After our long arrival day the day prior my original plan was to have a lazy day for the first official day of our trip. But once I started doing the Disney planning I realized…

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Wise in Their Own Eyes – Prevention and Correction

Wise in their Own Eyes – Prevention and Correction. The preschooler age is so fun. These are the years from ages 2-5. Preschoolers are old enough to truly have their own personalities and interests and…

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