Spear is 8 Months Old

Spear turned 8 months old on August 1st.  I use What to Expect the First Year to see where he’s at in his milestones and development and I purchased his monthly stickers here 🙂 At 8 months old Spear is…

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Spear Summary of Month 8

This is a summary of Spear’s 8th Month of life from July 1st – July 31st. He was 7 months old during this month. Eating:We completed his first 30 days of solid foods and you…

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Tess’s 4th Birthday Letter {From Mommy}

Dear Tessie, Hello Four! Three has been SO MUCH FUN with you and I know that the year of four will only bring more adventures, more dance parties, and lots more snuggles our way together.…

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Tess’s 4th Birthday Letter {From Daddy}

Tess, Happy Birthday!!! Its official you are four years old. I am so proud to be your Dad. I know you will probably hear this a thousand of time in your life, but you are…

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Tess’s 4th Birthday

The day after we got back from Disney was Tess’s 4th Birthday! Four years ago she entered our lives and has filled them with such joy everyday since! So thankful for this sweet girl and…

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