Tess Disney Bday: Mommy Day at AK

Tess LOVES animals. Like truly just loves them ALL. We don’t have many animal lovers in our family. But I understand Tess’s love, because it’s the same one I felt as a child. I dreamed…

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Tess Disney Birthday: Daddy Day at MK

When we purchased our Disney Home (you can read about our decision here!) we decided to have the kids celebrate their birthdays at Disney rather than have a hardcore party. Something we came up with…

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Tess Disney Birthday: Magic Kingdom Morning

On Tess’s Disney Birthday celebration she visited Magic Kingdom three mornings in a row haha but it just happened to work out that way with our planning! We had our princess morning for her, our…

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Tess Disney Bday: Epcot Evening

After Tess’s BIG princess morning we headed back to our Disney House for naps. When Tess woke from nap she was SO PROUD that she took down her princess hair all by herself. Oh well at least we…

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Tess Disney Bday: Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique and Cinderella’s Royal Table

When we have Disney birthdays I like to incorporate both things the kids WANT to do and also surprise items for them. We decided to let the kids choose one character meal as their birthday…

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