St Augustine: Putt Putt and Old Town

The past couple of summers during our beach trip we’ve been VERY YOLO. We didn’t know when we’d add another baby so we lived it UP the entire week. We did a LOT because we could.…

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St Augustine: Spear’s First Beach Day

Our annual beach trip to St Augustine is one of our favorite family vacations! We usually try to go to another beach at some point during the year. All of my babies have had their…

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Spear is 7 Months Old!

Spear turned 7 months old on July 1st. I use What to Expect the First Year to see where he’s at in his milestones and development and I purchased his monthly stickers here 🙂 At 7 months old Spear is…

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Adoption Concerns: What About Medical History?

Something that is frequently discussed when it comes to infant adoption is medical history. It plays a role in many stages of the adoption process: How much are you able to know about an expectant…

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The End of the Era of Babies

The End of the Era of Babies For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted four kids. Both of my parents came from larger families and I loved seeing the way they supported each…

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