Spear Summary of Month 7

This is a summary of Spear’s 7th month of life which spanned the entire month of June. He was 6 months old during this month! Eating: Well. The day arrived. It was truly time for me…

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Meeting Up With Mama E (Spear’s Birth Family)

I started writing about our meet-up with some of Spear’s biological family as part of his monthly update post for his 7th month of life and realized I just had WAY too much to say…

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10 Years of Blogging

10 years. 3,039 posts. 8,442,417 post views. This is what 10 years of blogging dedication looks like! I celebrated my 10th blogging birthday this past week and it really is just insane to me that…

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Summer Recap 2018: Week 4

Have you entered the big giveaway yet? Don’t forget! It ends Monday Night…click here to enter ๐Ÿ™‚  Our summer has been IN-SANE yall. We were gone so much that the “weekly posts” are all going…

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10th Blogging Anniversary Celebration – Disney Giveaway!

Growing up I always loved writing. I had dreams to someday be an author and I have vivid memories of myself sitting in front of our old school Apple computer making up creative stories. I…

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