First Weekend as 6

Spear and I left Ben and Liz’s house and headed to Target! I gave him his bottle in the Starbucks there (SO jealous of these super fancy Target’s with Starbucks in them) and then did…

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The Rest of Spear’s First Week

I do weekly newborn posts for the first several weeks when my babies are born. SO much changes each week that it’s the easiest way to keep things organized ๐Ÿ˜‰  This post covers the remainder…

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Britt’s Birthday Slideshow

Typically I post the kids’ birthday slideshow on the blog on their actual birthdays…When Mama E went into labor with Spear I felt SO guilty that I hadn’t been on the ball about Britt’s slideshow…

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Britt’s 6th Birthday!

To celebrate Britt’s birthday this year we went to Disney back in October. We had planned a Disney trip in November for her but once we got matched with Mama E we thought it’d be…

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Leaving the Hospital with Spear

It was SO wonderful having everyone together! We didn’t have a set in stone plan for things but once everyone arrived we talked it through and decided Mr. Rusty and Casey would head back with…

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