Tess Monthly Summary: November 2017

This was Tess’s last month of being THE baby of the family ๐Ÿ™‚ And truly it’s hard for us to see her as a “big kid.” I’m sure it’s b/c she’s the youngest but I…

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Britt Monthly Summary: November 2017

This was an exciting month for Britt! It was her last month being 5 and it didn’t disappoint! Britt had her first loose tooth and yall. She was OBSESSED with it. Constantly wanting us to…

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Kye Monthly Summary: November 2017

Kye truly marches to the beat of his own drum. He wanted to do “trolls hair” and then wore it to school. Which is awesome to me! I’m glad he can do things he thinks…

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Family Fun November 2017

Our last month as a family of 5! My birthday was Nov 1st! I had a GREAT day and loved all my gifts and celebrations and my dad and Audrey’s gift was super special ๐Ÿ™‚…

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Thanksgiving 2017

This year I kept thinking we’d have a BABY by Thanksgiving haha I feel like I wasn’t FULLY in the Thanksgiving mode because I had assumed we’d be missing everything and be in Florida for…

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