Tess Monthly Summary: August 2017

Here is Tess’s summary from August! Tess LOVES to play with toys! She loves Little People and Disney figurines. She mostly just gets them ALL out and lines them up and talks to them ๐Ÿ™‚…

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Britt Monthly Summary: August 2017

Here’s Britt’s summary from August: Britt was sooooo pumped to start kindergarten and especially pumped to go to the same school as Kye! Of course on the 2nd day she got stinking pink eye. Bless.…

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Kye Monthly Summary: August 2017

Here is all about Kye from August: The BIG NEWS this month is that Kye is officially playing football! It’s his first year playing. I’ve always been big about not pushing sports. Last school year…

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Family Fun: August 2017

Now that summer has ended I’m shifting back to a monthly family recap. Our lives are just not as exciting during the school year so I can’t really justify a weekly post! The big news…

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17 Months Waiting (AKA The Month We Met Mama E)

This post covers August 30th through September 29th…our 17th month into this process and a very special month ๐Ÿ™‚ Please visit our Adoption Page to catch up on our journey! Thanks again to Lemon Treehouse…

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