Partyin’ Like It’s 1987: Casey’s 30th!

Casey turned 30 in the beginning of September buttttt we decided to celebrate a little early for her ๐Ÿ˜‰ It was funny because there was this KILLER deal on cookie cakes for Zach’s birthday ($20…

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Thoughts on a Year.

Every day Facebook notifies me to check out “On This Day.” To take a look back at all the memories posted on Facebook on that exact day for every year that I’ve had an account.…

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Family Photos August 2017

I’m so thankful for Lindsay, from Captured by Colson! We had such a tough time actually getting our family pictures to happen. The first time we were literally racing storms. And the second time Britt…

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Visiting Grandpa and Grammie: August 2017

Back in July I had a surprise call from my dad and step-mom asking when would be a good time for us to come visit! I was so excited as were Zach and the kids…

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Tess’s 3 Year Well Visit

I always make the kids’ well check visits a year out. Like when we check out from one visit, I go ahead and schedule the next one. When I scheduled Tess’s 3 year well check…

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