Tessie’s 3rd Birthday

Tess turned 3 on Monday July 31st! I like that we always do her party before her actual birthday as it gets her in the birthday mood ๐Ÿ˜‰ Our birthday tradition is for all the…

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Tess’s 3rd Birthday Party

Tess has been SO excited for party! She celebrated her birthday at school at the end of the school year so since MAY she’s been asking about her birthday and every party we’ve attended she’s…

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The Oily Life {Guest Post}

I know, I know I’m SUPER late to jump on this oil train but if y’all have been keeping up with Zach’s medical stuff this past year then you know I’ve been looking for some…

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Tess 3rd Bday Pics and Party Invites

I love hosting themed birthday parties for my kids and have always taken photos of them wearing their party outfits to use as part of their invitations. I also typically use them to have cute…

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Summer Recap 2017: Week 11

Casey was due on July 20th (Thursday). She had Carter 2 weeks early so we were all pretty shocked that she went past her due date this time around! Saturday morning we knew was BABY…

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