Summer Recap 2017: Week 10

As summer started winding down I really tried to go over our “must do” list and make sure we would have time to fit it all in! Here’s our Week 10 Recap ๐Ÿ™‚ Saturday the…

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Zach’s New Infusion

It’s hard to believe that we are reaching the one year marker since Zach’s episode. A lot has happened in our lives since last year! I will be honest…coming up on that one year marker…

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5 Reasons Your Baby Might Be Crying

Today is Babywise Friendly Blog Network Day! Christine is our newest member to our group and she blogs over at Christine Keys. Her blog is simply stunning and I’m honored to have her posting here today…

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Handing Discipline Issues With Children Who Aren’t Yours

Playdates are wonderful. They are an opportunity for our children to learn and practice social skills. They are a chance for them to develop friendships. An opportunity to play with children outside of their siblings.…

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15 Months Waiting

This post covers a bit more than a month, but there is a reason I put off posting ๐Ÿ™‚ This “month” covers June 29th through August 6th! Want to get caught up on our entire…

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