Summer Recap 2017: Week 6

This post covers our 6th week of summer! It’s from Saturday June 17th – Friday June 23rd. Zach loves to do breakfast for the kids on Saturdays. Britt especially looks forward to their “treats” for…

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5 Quick Ways to Turn a Bad Day Around

We all have them. The days that make you want to pull your hair out. Sometimes it’s the days that we just feel like crying. Sometimes it’s the days that parenting gets the best of…

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How to Teach Your Children Self-Control

How to Teach Your Children Self-Control We live in a “give me what I want and give it to me NOW” sort of culture. We expect instant results. Instant gratification. We don’t want to wait…

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Summer Recap 2017: Week 5

This summary covers our 5th week of summer! From Saturday June 10th through Friday June 16th! On Saturday we celebrated Father’s Day as a family and you can see that post here 🙂 Growing up…

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BFBN Week: Temper Tantrums: The Happy Heart Rug

Today’s second spotlight blogger is Carrie, from Wiley Adventures. I gain SO much parenting tips and advice from fellow bloggers and her post today is a great one. It’s about how their family handles toddler…

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