BFBN Week: How To Solve The “Wise in Their Own Eyes” Problem

Today we have two spotlight bloggers for our Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week! When we were all deciding topics to discuss for the week I was jealous that Natasha, from Let’s Be Brave, snagged “wise…

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BFBN Week: How To Correct Your Preteen

This week is our Babywise Friendly Blog Network Week. We will each be posting on a different day on a different Babywise related topic. Our theme for this week is non-sleep concepts from any of the…

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13 Cheap {Or Free!} Summer Activities

Summer is a time of relaxation and FUN. I love making memories with my children and enjoy filling our days with different experiences and adventures. But I’m also a self-proclaimed penny pitcher. I enjoy finding…

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Tess School Work: Spring 2017

Tess just finished her very first year in school! She was our youngest child to start school (due to her summer birthday) and I have NO regrets about enrolling her in K2. Both Kye and…

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Britt School Work: Spring 2017

Britt had a FABULOUS year in K4! She has blown us away with her “school skills.” She makes us so proud in seeing how much she enjoys learning and especially how well she behaves. She…

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