Britt Monthly Summary: May 2017

This is Britt’s summary from May! Britt is in LOVE with her princess room. She has been so happy up there and keeps it insanely CLEAN and tidy! We’re still working on making her bed…

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Kye Monthly Summary: May 2017

This is Kye’s summary from May! Kye had his art show at school this month. We learned from last year that it’s a VERY quick thing. You walk in, you see the kid’s artwork, and…

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Family Fun: May 2017

This is our family’s monthly recap from May! Morgan’s shower was technically in April but she shared the pics from it this month and I wanted to included them here. Britt and I had such…

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Get To Know The “BFBN”

If you’ve been reading my blog for awhile then you’ve probably been made aware that I’m a member of the Babywise Friendly Blog Network. We are a group of bloggers who often do themed days…

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Summer Recap 2017: Week 3

Week 3 of summer covers May 27th – June 2nd! Zach and I were in Mexico for most of this week and you can see those posts here: Part 1 and Part 2.  Here is everything…

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