Tour of Our Home: Tess’s Big Girl Room

You can see Tess’s nursery tour here! When we decorated Tess’s nursery we kept in mind that this would STAY her bedroom for a long, long time. We wanted a theme that would smoothly transition…

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Parenting While It Feels Like Your World is Crashing Down

Parenting While it Feels Like Your World is Crashing Down. We have all experienced sudden, unexpected news. Maybe it’s the death of a loved-one. Maybe it’s being laid off from a job. Maybe, like in…

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Mother’s Day 2017

The past couple of years Mother’s Day has been a tad crazy for us. Last year Zach had back surgery right before Mother’s Day and we had to postpone it for several weeks. It was…

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Britt’s K4 Graduation

Britt has been SO excited about her K4 graduation! Kye had both a K4 and Kindergarten graduation while at preschool (you can see his K4 here and K5 here) but this was Britt’s first and…

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2nd Disney Solo Day – May 2017

Wanna read about my first Disney Solo Day (yes, it was just back in Feb haha). You can see that post here! I have always envied the way Zach LOVES his hobbies. He loves sports.…

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